
Thursday, May 2, 2013


'n 60 jarige vrou is vanoggend in Greenhills deur BARBARE vermoor!

Sy en haar 89 jarige skoonma en agterkleindogter van 2 is deur BARBARE in hul huis oorval. Albei is erg aangerand en kouse is in die 2-jarige kind se mond gestop. Die 60 jarige vrou is dood aan haar beserings. Sy was oor die kop geslaan en haar ribbes was gebreek.

Die media het natuurlik klaar besluit dit was 'n "Botched Robbery"!!! Dit verdomd IS NIE!!! DIS 'n MOORD!!! Sx
First Boere War South Africa

The First Boer War (Dutch: Eerste Boerenoorlog, literally 'First Farmer's War') (Afrikaans: Eerste Vryheidsoorlog, literally 'First Freedom War') also known as the First Anglo-Boer War or the Transvaal War, was fought from 16 December 1880 until 23 March 1881

1877 annexation

The southern part of the African continent was dominated in the 19th century by a set of epic struggles to create within it a single unified state. British expansion into southern Africa was fueled by three prime factors: first, the desire to control the trade routes to India that passed around the Cape; second, the discovery in 1868 of huge mineral deposits of diamonds around Kimberley on the joint borders of the South African Republic (called the Transvaal by the British), Orange Free State and the Cape Colony, and thereafter in 1886 in the Transvaal of a major wealth and power; and thirdly the race against other European colonial powers, as part of a general colonial expansion in Africa. Other potential colonisers included Portugal, who already controlled West (modern day Angola) and East Africa (modern day Mozambique), Germany (modern day Namibia), and further north, Belgium (modern day Democratic Republic of the Congo) and France (West and Equatorial Africa, and Madagascar).
The British attempts in 1880 to annex the Transvaal were their biggest incursions into southern Africa, but there were others. In 1868, the British annexed Basutoland in the Drakensberg Mountains (modern Lesotho, surrounded by the Orange Free State and Natal) following an appeal from Moshesh, the leader of a mixed group of African refugees from the Zulu wars, who sought British protection against both the Boers and the Zulus. In the 1880s, Bechuanaland (modern Botswana, located north of the Orange River) became an object of dispute between the Germans to the west, the Boers to the east, and the British in the Cape Colony to the south. Although Bechuanaland had almost no economic value, the "Missionaries Road" passed through it toward territory farther north. After the Germans annexed Damaraland and Namaqualand (modern Namibia) in 1884, the British annexed Bechuanaland in 1885.


After the Battle of Blaauwberg Britain had acquired the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa from the Dutch in 1815 during the Napoleonic Wars. Certain groups of Dutch-speaking settler farmers ("Boers") resented British rule, even though British control brought some economic benefits. There were successive waves of migrations of Boer farmers (known as Trekboers which literally means "moving farmers"), first east along the coast away from the Cape toward Natal, and thereafter north toward the interior, eventually establishing the republics that came to be known as the Orange Free State and the Transvaal (literally "across/beyond the Vaal River).
The British did not try to stop Trekboers from moving away from the Cape. The Trekboers served as pioneers, opening up the interior for those who followed, and the British gradually extended their control away from the Cape along the coast toward the east, eventually annexing Natal in 1845.
The Trekboers were farmers gradually extending their range and territory with no agenda. The formal abolition of slavery in the British Empire in 1834 led to more organised groups of Boer settlers attempting to escape British rule, some travelling as far as modern-day Mozambique.
Indeed, the British subsequently ratified the two new Republics in a pair of treaties: the Sand River Convention of 1852 which recognised the independence of the Transvaal Republic, and the Bloemfontein Convention of 1854 which recognised the independence of the Orange Free State. However, British colonial expansion was, from the 1830s, marked by skirmishes and wars against both Boers and native African tribes for most of the remainder of the century.


The discovery of diamonds in 1867 near the Vaal River, some 550 miles (890 km) northeast of Cape Town, ended the isolation of the Boers in the interior and changed South African history. The discovery triggered a "diamond rush" that attracted people from all over the world, turning Kimberley into a town of 50,000 within five years and drawing the attention of British imperial interests. In the 1870s, the British annexed West Griqualand, site of the Kimberley diamond discoveries.
In 1875 Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli's Colonial Secretary, Lord Carnarvon, in an attempt to extend British influence, approached the Orange Free State and the Transvaal Republic and tried to organise a federation of the British and Boer territories to be modelled after the 1867 federation of French and English provinces of Canada, however the Boer leaders turned him down. The successive British annexations, and in particular the annexation of West Griqualand, caused a climate of simmering unease for the Boer republics.
(Gordon) die pos van Maryna Steyl Nel

dit het nou so 20 min trueg gebeur in ons dorp
lichtenburg noord wes

Maryna Barnard
Ons het so pas by di huis gekom. Ek bewe soos n riet van skok!!!! Ons was op sypaadjie oorkant NWK Meganies, omtrent by di plek waar trekkers of iets verkoop word, toe ons n gegil en geskree hoor. 2 swartes was regvoor NWK Meganies besig om n blanke man plat te trek grond toe! Lando wou oorhardloop om te help en ekt hom teruggehou! N silwer kar het aangery gekom stilgehou, di 2 swartes het agteringeklim en weggejaag! Een van NWK se bakkies het agterna gejaag! Lando het silwer kar se reg nr memoriseer en oorgehardloop na di man toe. Polisie het reg nr by Lando gekry en gaan soek na di voertuig! Skynbaar is net di man se selfoon gevat, ni di aktetas ni!! Di silwer motor het ni agterste nommerplaat ni!
Boere Krisis Aksie (B.K.A.) · 46,265 like this.
8 hours ago ·
(Hannes) JONGMAN KOELBLOEDIG DOODGESKIET: Ontvang van Afriforum/Rob Malan: Waarom? My enigste seun, Robbie, 39 jaar oud is gisteroggend deur drie rowers koelbloedig, sonder om enigiets te steel, dood geskiet.
Alles is donker, ons vra vrae maar kry geen antwoorde.
(Gordon)Pos vanaf Stefanie Mans

Elderly woman killed in Greenhills attack

An elderly woman, her mother-in-law and a 2-year old grand child was attacked in their Greenhills home.

02 May 2013
A 60-year-old woman was murdered and her 89-year old mother-in-law was severely assaulted in an apparent botched burglary in Greenhills on 2 May.

According to Randfontein SAPS spokesperson, Captain Appel Ernst, the family's long-standing domestic worker left for the local clinic at around 7am on 2 May and returned home at 11am, as she does on this date every month.

Upon her return, the electronic gate was opened for her as usual but as she entered the premises, she discovered the severely beaten 89-year old woman.

The woman had apparently managed to get to the remote control for the gate and opened it when the domestic worker rang the bell.

Despite having been severely beaten, the elderly woman was in a panic and only cared about her nearly two-year old great-granddaughter who was visiting at the time.

She urged the domestic worker to help her find the child.

"The domestic worker immediately started searching for the child and came upon the 60-year old woman in the main bedroom," says Ernst.

"The woman was also severely beaten, and had succumbed to head injuries probably inflicted with a blunt object."

Paramedics on the scene also indicated that she had some broken ribs.
Ernst says that the domestic worker eventually found the very traumatised but luckily unharmed child.

She had been gagged with a sock, but was otherwise unharmed.

"The domestic worker ran outside and alerted a gardener working across the street, who alerted the neighbours.

"The neighbours alerted the local security company and the police."

Ernst says that there was nothing at the scene that suggested that the robbers had planned to hold up the family.

"We suspect that, because it was so quiet at the house, they thought no-one was home and decided to burgle it, only to be surprised by the elderly women."

The injured woman was taken to a local hospital for treatment, while the child was treated on the scene and given into the care of her mother.

Nuuskommentaar: Hulle lieg so lekker want hulle vlieg so lekker

Dié voertuie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens het na bewering die Gupta-familie na Sun City vergesel. Foto verskaf.
Miskien nie doelbewuste leuens nie, maar ‘n ongekende blaamverplasing oor die insident by die Waterklooflugmagbasis waar ‘n huurvliegtuig met huweliksgaste vir die Gupta-familie geland het. Die hoofseremonie vind Donderdag by Sun City plaas.
Na agt ure se ontkenning dat die weermag toestemming vir die vliegtuig se landing gegee het, is egter erken dat toestemming verleen is dat ‘n vliegtuig wat hoë regeringslui, waaronder ministers en diplomate aan boord, by Waterkloof kon land.
En wie ook al die amptenaar of amptenare is wat die besluit geneem het, gaan in alle waarskynlikheid ‘n dik rooi tapyt tegemoet nadat al drie afdelings van die ANC se drieparty-alliansie die voorval gekritiseer het. Maroela Media het vanoggend berig dat die hoof van staatsprotokol, Bruce Koloane, op verpligte verlof geplaas het, vermoedelik oor dié saak.
Intussen berig Nuus 24 dat pres. Jacob Zuma vandag self as eregas by die troue sou wees, en dat hy per helikopter daarheen gevlieg sou word. Die regering het egter na berig word gisteraand ‘n noodvergadering oor die kwessie gehou, en dit is onseker of Zuma se bywoning nog gaan plaasvind.
Van die kritiek wat nou oor die voorval uitgespreek word, klink weliswaar effe na die dam onder die eend se stert uitpluk – veral as in ag geneem word hoeveel ander gevalle al voorgekom het waar belastingbetalersgeld bedenklik aangewend is. Cosatu het die stelling gemaak dat die voorval ‘n verleentheid vir Suid-Afrika is, maar die buitelandse pers swyg amper volledig hieroor. Die Times of India het egter ‘n feitelike berig gedra, en onder meer gemeld dat die gaste heelwat Bollywoodakteurs en -sangers insluit. In teenstelling hiermee het die buitelandse media heelwat dekking verleen aan die onlangse besoek van ANC-hooggeplaastes aan oud-president Nelson Mandela, en beskryf dit as misbruik.
Die voorval waar Julius Malema, toe nog president van die  ANC-jeugliga, gesê het hy sal doodmaak vir Zuma, en Zwelinzima Vavi, hoofsekretaris van Cosatu soortgelyke woorde geuiter, was tydens die amptelike provinsiale Jeugdagvieringe in ThabaNchu in 2008. Nie Zuma, toe net president van die ANC, of Malema of Vavi het toe enige regeringsampte beklee nie, maar het tog in hul  ANC-hoedanighede as die sprekers by amptelike verrigtinge opgetree. Mense is op staatskoste van heinde en verre met busse aangery. Hieroor het die destydse Openbare Beskermer ‘n lamlendige uitspraak gelewer.
In ‘n land waar gunslone en nepotisme hand-aan-hand loop, en die grense tussen party en regering tot nadeel van die belastingbetaler geërodeer word – presies wat is nou so uitsonderlik aan die Gupta-insident?
  • Groot gewag is gemaak daarvan dat staatshulpbronne blykbaar ingespan is om die privaat gaste na ‘n privaat huweliksonthaal te fasiliteer. Dit is taamlik duidelik dat die polisie behoorlik in die saak geken, en betrek is, deur konvooie te vergesel, en tydens die troue ‘n groot teenwoordigheid by Sun City te hê. Indien die Indiese Hoë Kommissaris die SANW  mislei het deur te versuim om te meld dat die ministers en diplomate nie regeringsgaste is nie maar na ‘n private huweliksonthaal onderweg is, en dat die gaste ook private gaste insluit, is dit vir Indië ‘n diplomatieke verleentheid en sal die Hoë Kommissaris waarskynlik teruggeroep moet word.
  • Groot gewag word daarvan gemaak dat die lugmagbasis ‘n nasionale sleutelpunt is, en veiligheidsrisiko’s sou inhou. Maar hoeveel van ‘n veiligheidsrisiko hou ‘n vliegtuig vol skatryk en diplomatieke huweliksgaste uit Indië nou werklik in? Buitendien is die OR Tambo-lughawe, soos alle internasionale lughawens in Suid-Afrika, ook nasionale sleutelpunte, saam met nog sowat 200 ander sleutelpunte wat geheim gehou word, en waarvan die meeste nie aan die staat behoort nie. As die Guptas van die Pilanesberg- of Mafikeng-lughawens gebruik gemaak het, waar die nodige doeanepersoneel gestasioneer is, sou hulle steeds van ‘n nasionale sleutelpunt gebruik gemaak het.
  • Groot gewag word gemaak dat benewens die feit dat daar volgens Binnelandse Sake paspoortbeheer toegepas is, daar nie doeanebeamptes aan diens was wat geloer het na waar die staat kon aas aan ‘n aksyns-inkomste nie. Die gaste is immers ryk, en op pad na een van Suid-Afrika se rykste families se huweliksonthale, en ‘n stewige trougeskenk of twee sou nie ondenkbaar wees nie. Maar weeg dié potensiële verlies aan inkomste enigsins op met die daaglikse lang vingers wat amptenare inspan?
Natuurlik is verkeerd opgetree, selfs al het die Indiese Hoë Kommissaris (toevallig ook ‘n Gupta) dit gereël en al was daar regeringslui en diplomate saam met die ander gaste aan boord. Dit sou op liederlike misbruik neerkom. En hulle moet weer terug, en dit is nodig dat bitter vinnig vasgestel word wat presies gebeur het, en wat nou moet gebeur om ‘n herhaling te voorkom voor die gaste nog ‘n sent staatsgeld onregmatig verteer, en vertrek.
Dit is baie duidelik hoekom opposisiepartye soos valke op die saak sou toesak. Benewens die geleentheid om goeie publisiteit te kry oor hoe gekant hulle teen misbruik en vergrype is, speel die feit dat die Gupta’s en Zuma vriende is, dat die Gutpa’s die New Age besit, dat die staat swaar met advertensies daarin belê, en dié koerant ‘n andersklinkende politieke stem as die geykte (sommiges sou sê pro-DA-stem) laat hoor, heel moontlik ook ‘n rol.
Selfs al sou die opposisiepartye dit ontken, en dan nog die waarheid praat ook, bly dit steeds op die oog af lyk of die Gupta’s se bande met Zuma ‘n rol speel in die opposisiekabaal. Die Times of India beskryf die New Age as “said to be” ‘n ANC-mondstuk.
Wat egter op die oog af vreemd voorkom, is hoekom die drieparty-alliansie so mond uitspoel oor die affêre. Gestel Zuma het self die jawoord gegee? Of het hulle eers by die president seker gemaak dat hy niks weet nie, en dit ook nie “gemagtig” het nie?
Min kiesers, en waarskynlik ook bitter min politieke ontleders sal oortuig word dat die ANC nou deur ‘n vlaag van wetsgehoorsaamheidsbesef oorval is.
‘n Vergesogte gedagte is dat dit net nie goed by die armes en werkloses sou afgaan dat die ANC en sy kommunistiese alliansievennote op Werkersdag ‘n opsigtelike voortrekkery van rykes sou probeer goedpraat of regverdig nie. Die berig in die Times of India adem duidelik hierdie sentiment.
Dit is bekend dat nie alle leiers binne die alliansie wat voorheen so bereid was om dood te maak vir Zuma, meer so danig is oor hierdie eertydse uitsprake van hulle nie. Van hulle het intussen heeltemal in die anti-Zuma-kamp beland, en Zuma is nou soos stadige gif besig om hierdie teenstanders uit te werk. Maar die drie persone wat nou namens die alliasie se drie organisasies die voorval veroordeel het, tel onder Zuma se mees getroue imbongi’s. Is hulle soos kiewiete wat aankomelinge met misleiding van hul neste probeer weglei, wat nou ook enige suspisie oor Zuma van die speelveld af probeer kry?
Indien wel, sal dit ook ’n nuwe strategie wees. In die verlede was die houding eerder om Zuma se flaters te probeer goedpraat.
Die verhaal sal nou waarskynlik vinnig ontplooi, sodat die owerhede reg sal wees om die bruilofsgaste se vertrek presies volgens die boek te laat plaasvind. Dit lyk nie of hier weer ‘n gepoogde toesmeeraksie gaan wees soos met Nkandla nie. Maar niks is gewaarborg nie.
En kan die belastingbetalers hoop dat die alliansie se reaksie daarop dui dat ons eie ministers se ritse oorsese reise om met troppe amptenare konferensies en vergaderings te gaan bywoon, maar op die oog af na betaalde vakansies lyk, ook nou onder die vergrootglas gaan beland?
‘n Paar interessante dae lê voor.
Ek reken Max du Preez is finaal sy laaste gesonde varkie kwyt! So reken hy...

It is something many South Africans do not want to hear and would probably find hard to believe: Zimbabwe’s radical land redistribution has worked and agricultural production is on levels comparable to the time before the process started.

What is more meaningful is that the production levels were achieved by 245 000 black farmers on the land previously worked by some 6 000 white farmers.

...en dan is hy in beheer van ons kinders se opvoeding by die PUK! Hy het seker nie die volgende artikel gesien nie...

Daar is hongersnood in 'n land wat op 'n stadium as die kosmandjie van Afrika bekend gestaan het! Van een van die grootste uitvoerders van mielies en tabak na 'n bakhandland waar niemand kos het nie en daar niks in die winkels is om te koop nie...

Ag... Ek soek ook wat hy rook! Sx
Gupta guests want to be served by whites - Cosatu
                        Stephen Grootes |                         Today, 15:42                   
                    RUSTENBURG – People attending the Gupta wedding have allegedly asked Sun International that only white people serve them, the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) in the North West said on Thursday.The trade union federation said wedding guests at Sun City asked for their rooms to be cleaned by white people and for white drivers to chauffer them around. Cosatu added guests were being guarded by police.North West Secretary Solly Phetoe said, “The Gupta people have made a public statement in Sun International that they don’t want to be served by African blacks. They want them [the hotel rooms] to be cleaned by white people. As Cosatu, we see that as racial attitude.”
(Gordon) die pos van Maryna Steyl Nel

dit het nou so 20 min trueg gebeur in ons dorp
lichtenburg noord wes

Maryna Barnard
Ons het so pas by di huis gekom. Ek bewe soos n riet van skok!!!! Ons was op sypaadjie oorkant NWK Meganies, omtrent by di plek waar trekkers of iets verkoop word, toe ons n gegil en geskree hoor. 2 swartes was regvoor NWK Meganies besig om n blanke man plat te trek grond toe! Lando wou oorhardloop om te help en ekt hom teruggehou! N silwer kar het aangery gekom stilgehou, di 2 swartes het agteringeklim en weggejaag! Een van NWK se bakkies het agterna gejaag! Lando het silwer kar se reg nr memoriseer en oorgehardloop na di man toe. Polisie het reg nr by Lando gekry en gaan soek na di voertuig! Skynbaar is net di man se selfoon gevat, ni di aktetas ni!! Di silwer motor het ni agterste nommerplaat ni!
"Black racism exported from SA targets Afrikaners
Black Racism is rife in South Africa – moreover the country’s own president is exporting his personal brand of black-racism worldwide, spreading his anti-white hate message amongst well-organised ‘black-consciousness groups’. Yet this tsunami of anti-white, black-racist hatespeech, calling for the genocide of whites, is also getting so much worse because it is being ignored by most of the news media.
This “Shoot the Boer” and “Kill the Boer’ genocidal black-racist hatespeech – sung by South African president Jacob Zuma at the all-important 100th anniversary of their ruling African National Congress party – has kicked off a wave of rapes, armed attacks and murders of whites in South Africa: and a local criminologist website is placing all these atrocities on record; yet terrified of reprisals, these white criminologists also refuse to be identified publicly. The ANC-brand of anti-white hatespeech is also spreading rapidly to other continents by internationally-funded ‘black-consciousnessness groups’ such as Blackwash. It is often reported amongst the more than 1-million Afrikaners who have already fled into exile to some 48 countries, that they are often are targetted with such racism overseas, too; and discriminated against because they are white South Africans.
Video Source – Jacob Zuma sings “Kill the Boer”
In South Africa, Black South African leaders chant their genocidal songs of hatred – while they also lavish themselves with high salaries, perks and fraudulent government tender-deals: they are turning the white minority into scapegoats to counter-act the growing, seething anger from their black voters… (related: Jacob Zuma’s son in money morass)
Anti-ANC demonstrations countrywide
As South Africa is increasingly being plunged into daily anti-ANC demonstrations countrywide, worsening more each day as the economy is imploding and unemployment soars, black South African leaders are finding convenient scapegoats in the very small minority of whites and Asians in the country. Increasingly, these two hard-working minorities are being blamed for the entire country’s woes; in the first quarter of 2012, the country’s enemployment rate rose to 25.2%: in other words one-quarter of the entire working population now is jobless and has no hope of finding any employment. “Afrikaners are worried about the state of governance in South Africa”, ANC treasurer general Mathews Phosa said on Wednesday 9 May 2012. after the party held a ‘brainstorming session’ with pro-ANC Afrikaner groups to try and garnish more Afrikaner votes in the next election.
Statistics SA’s Quarterly Labour Force Survey noted that the total number of unemployed people now stood at 4.5million This report is at Fin24. The full Survey can be downloaded at StatsOnline. Yet the country’s government employees have awarded themselves huge salary increases – which contributes greatly to the downward economic spiral. The anti-ANC rioting is breaking out all across the country – also for the most part these daily riots hardly get a mention in the SA news media."

New Black Panthers chants “One Settler One Bullet” with PAC

Chawn Saddam Kweli of the New Black Panthers Party ( NBPP) reports on Black Power radio (Broadcast at: Tue, April 2, 2013), admitting that the NBPP now have new parties in both South Africa, visiting the PAC and Zimbabwe (ZANU-PF) after their South Africa visit.

Curiously members of the original Black Panther Party have dismissed Comrade Malik Shabazz’s New Black Panther outfit as “illegitimate” and even sued them for use of the name arguing that they operate on the basis of “hatred of white people”. That’s why they fit in snugly with the PAC and Zanu PF.

The NBPP is classified as a hate group in the US, and was in the news on various occasions regarding hate speech and voter intimidation in the US. Read more here to get an overview of their “Historic” South African visit.

The title of the radio program with various speakers is called: National Report: NBPP Azania (South Africa)

The radio intro starts with Khalid Muhammed’s tirade about killing white South African women, children, old people and gays, and referring to whites as “crackers”. The term “Devil” is also used generally in conversations to describe whites specifically. The NBPP recently returned from a tour of South Africa to meet up with the PAC and Zanu-PF parties in South Africa and Zimbabwe. The aim was to establish business relationships with the end goal of getting African-Americans to move to South Africa away from the “oppression” in the US. This is disregarding the fact that most African Americans are from Central and North Africa as these countries were the origins of slaves to America. Kweli stated that “all” black South Africans in the “motherland” refers to South Africa as “Azania”.

Chawn Kweli further states using typical propaganda rhetoric, also propagated by the ANC government, that 12% to 13% of the white minority control the country and is the reason for black “enslavement”. This is evidence that the SA government is also guilty in spreading hate used by groups to further their ideologies in South Africa by targeting the small white minority similar to what the Nazi’s did with the Jews Pre-1939. What makes this US “nobody” Black Panther party dangerous in South Africa is because South Africa’s race relations is at an all time low, which in Marxist talk makes it ripe for a revolution. These opportunists are spreading hate to many people looking for a glimpse of hope, by winning willing followers by using cheap promises of a better life.

Kweli said that the land belong to blacks, and that whites “stole” the land. Similar as what ANC stalwart, now expelled ANC youth leader Malema said that “whites are criminals”. During this time it was warned that this rhetoric of BLT (Black Liberation Theology) is coming from the US, and infiltrating main stream politics up to SA government level.

American Black Liberation Theology and Pan Africanism differs on various aspects but one of the main focus areas of American BLT is of the desctruction and annihilation of the “white devil”. This was brushed off as just “normal” black liberation “talk”,by an editor of a certain well known Afrikaans newspapers about 2 years ago. It is evident that these black American nationalists had links with Malema and other’s within the ANC long before they came to visit South Africa to re-kindle their hatred of an “old” enemy, by grooming those allies once the ANC gained power. They are using black South Africans as puppets to further their American liberation idiology which follow BLT teachings like James Cone, Marcus Garvey and Jeremiah Wright. Further reading: Barack Obama, Reverend Wright and Black liberation theology (BLT)

In South Africa the small minority is killed and murdered at a high rate. More than 3000 mostly Afrikaner farmers, families and workers were tortured and murderd on their farms and small holding. Afrikaners are mosty Christian Protestants of Dutch, German, French, English and various other European nations. Nearly 70 000 whites were murdered since 1994 and in the recent Star newspaper it was reported that: “52% of crimes are NOT REPORTED – 1,000 plus murders a year are NOT REPORTED. That is beside the fact that of those that are reported… are never even investigated. This New Black Panther Party comes at a time where any encouragement to murder will escalate further against the Afrikaner minority fighting for survival. The NBPP is known for openly asking for the murder of whites in the US.

The New Black Panther Party hate group was in direct contact with many key players in South Africa including “Andile Mngxitama”, chairman of BlackWash, and policy advisor of the “Foundation of Human Rights“. Mngxitama is known for his black nationlistic views, including rhetoric on American Liberation Theology like the flawed idea that only white’s are racist, while black people are incapable of such human traits. He is the writer of “Black’s cannot be racist”. Mngixitama says on his Facebook page regarding the NBPP…” I want to go on record and say i support all black struggles”.

Malik Zulu Shabazz, chairman on the NBPP personally also thanks “BlackWash” in the radio program.


Malik Shabazz further acknowledge that the NBPP are sponsoring an orphanage in “Kliptown, South Africa”.

Malik Shabazz said that the Soweto Black Panthers Party which is part of the Tshwane region was started by women, and another delegation going to Zimbabwe to further the Black Panthers Party there. In Zimbabwe he met with Robert Mugabe and they spoke about issues, some of which he said can mention, and others not. Shabazz says that there will be another visit to South Africa in June 2014 with 200 groups invited from the US and across Africa that will include Churches and other organisations.

The NBPP also supports Zanu-PF in the up and coming elections to fight against “those British bastards” that stole land. Shabazz supports the Mugabe program of “Indiginization”, which is forcing one culture to adapt another culture referring to white farmers and western culture needing to adapt to African culture. In order to do that they will have a worldwide webcast in the next 60 days to get support for the party of Robert Mugabe and his Zanu-PF party.

A source close to Chris Sankara (real name Prince Mathebula) which is a PAC and APLA commander is named as the founder of the Black Panthers in South Africa. On his Facebook page it also states ‘he worked at Black Panthers”. Earlier the week an ad was put up to ask Panthers to spread the word of a rally at the Voortrekker monument giving the date 30 March at 2PM. No year date was given. The Panthers are planning a trip to South Africa next year (2014), also the year of the South African elections. The NBPP wants to build up support for the PAC by starting off their campaign with rallies. Then, as with Zanu-PF, ”support” the PAC closer to the elections in order to get more votes for the PAC. According to the Constitution of South Africa elections must occur in April–July 2014.

Shabazz took calls from callers calling in with questions regarding their trip. The next trip is promised to be bigger with a more clear vision to help allies. The broadcast is ended with African liberation songs which Shabazz says unfortunately cannot be understood because the white man “stole” their language and culture.

On Malik Shabazz’s Blog he talks and shows pictures of his time in South Africa.