
Friday, May 3, 2013

Secret war against Middelburg Afrikaners

Secret war against Middelburg Afrikaners:

- Update May 2 2013: Motorist Werner Seyfarth of Middelburg was racially-humiliated, and brutally assaulted by a gaggle of abusive black cops and traffic officials:


Charges lodged against violent cops and traffic cops:

May 2 2013 - Afrikaner motorist Werner Seyfarth was surrounded by a group of black traffic cops and two uniformed SAPS officials and attacked without any provocation in yet another incident of the growing violence with which whites in Middelburg
are being targetted. The Middelburg Observer journalist Gerhard Rheeder writes on May 2 2013 that this was "yet another assault against a (white) motorist in Middelburg by officials'. On the video shot of the incident the assault and the abusive language used against the motorist in the officials' tribal-language can be clearly observed.
Mr Seyfarth was pulled over shortly before the assault by a traffic cop who alleged that the white man was talking on his cellphone. The traffic cop pulled his keys from his ignition and Mr Seyfarth insisted that he give back his property, that he had no right to steal his property from him.When Mr Seyfarth tried to get his keys back a crowd of black cops and traffic cops descended on him.

ANC Youth League depy-leader Ronald Lamola charged with inciting genocide with his hatespeech against whites in Middelburg: but still not arrested five months later… Anthony Benadie, local counsellor for the Democratic-Alliance party lodged formal complaints of genocidal hatespeech against ANC youth league deputy leader Ronald Lamola at the Middelburg SAPS on 24 June 2012.  Lamola reportedly told socalled ‘whites’ to ‘share their wealth or we will take it by force.’ He also made other threats to invade white-owned farms.’ The charge was laid in Middelburg on 24 June 2012. Thus far, Lamola has not been questioned nor arrested for inciting genocide against the country’s most vulnerable ethnic-minority.
ANC-regime’s Crime-Intelligence unit traps vulnerable Afrikaners into ‘treasonous acts
Oct 21 2012 – A known Afrikaner 'socalled rightwinger' Mrs Cornelia de Wet – who is described by friends and family as ‘emotionally unstable’ has been in Middelburg Prison for the past 4 months without any charges, with the SAPS crime-intelligence unit now allegedly claiming that they are ‘investigating treason’ during her membership of the ‘Leeuwag’ group.
Above: The Afrikaner woman has in the past being described as ‘a person with an emotionally-unbalanced personality’. She was recruited by a mystery-group calling itself 'Leeuwag' (Lion Watch) after violent incidents targetting her on her farm: she was shot at and injured in a leg by someone who fired at her from a long distance away: this  person has never been found. Then her wooden home was torched -  and her family’s lives were threatened – whereupon she was invited to join the Leeuwag on Facebook.  She was arrested shortly thereafter. She has been  in Middelburg prison without trial for the past 4 months: a known ex-member of conservative Afrikaner Weerstandbeweging in Middelburg,  she recently admitted in a court-affidavit which two magistrate’s have refused to accept (as they were self-incriminatory) that she has now been turned into an  'informer' for the ANC-regime. The Afrikaner community widely believes that the Mrs De Wet, who reportedly was 4 months pregnant when she was arrested, was recruited by members of the ANC-regime 's Crime Intelligence Service because that has already been done before:  another group called  the 'Boeremag' also used the internet social-networks to draw conservative Afrikaners to their ranks and incited them to carry out 'treasonous acts' against the regime. Twenty of the Boeremag men were found guilty and the majority are still waiting for their sentencing. 
Sat Oct 13 2012

  • -- References: 'Boeremag Treason Trialists were a sting operation: its members were incited into treasonous acts by agent provocateurs';  given bomb material, were orchestrated, controlled and run by SA Crime Intelligence Division ex- SA police crime intelligence Captain Deon Loots said in a sworn statement published by Rapport Sunday newspaper that  the socalled 'Boeremag Rightwing Terrorist group' was "created, orchestrated, incited and run entirely by white cops in crime intelligence unit - and Pres Zuma has known about this fraud as he was warned about this fraud. Sun Oct 7 2012 and


  • --- Boeremag trial: Ex pro-apartheid police-operative Barry Bowden was paid R450,000 to lure Afrikaners into Boeremag Treason trial – Rapport -Former white-racist pro-apartheid-operative from ex-Civil Cooperation Bureau paid R450,000 to lure Afrikaners into custody for the Boeremag Treason trial -- Oct 13 2012 - Afrikaans Sunday Rapport reveals on Sunday October 4 2012

Thousands of black miners riot, destroy property over trial of of five 5 AMCU unionists for gruesome execution-murder of Afrikaner colliery engineer Jacques Naude, 32
17 Oct 2011 Black Wattle Colliery Middelburg -- Labour unrest fears due to murder-trial: 5 AMCU unionists face trial for murdering Afrikaner mineworker Jacques Naude. Mr Naude was a specialist-engineer who repaired faulty equipment. On 17 October 2011 he was lured to a ‘faulty’conveyor being built at the BlackWattleColliery – at the height of an ‘illegal’ strike by the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Workers Union (AMCU). This union is embroiled in a bitter membership-battle with the ANC-communist ruled National Union of Mineworkers. This bitter infighting is leaving many miners dead and injured. Mr Naude was ‘executed’ when he found that the conveyor had been deliverately sabotaged. The exact details of Mr Naude’s horrifically gruesome death have not yet been revealed. The SAPS said that ‘the trial of the five AMCU-trade unionists will ‘concentrate on the tense circumstnaces at the mine in which Mr Naude had been executed.’ Some sources say he was tortured extensively before he was killed by the mob.
(Gordon) Gupta guests want to be served by whites - Cosatu

RUSTENBURG – People attending the Gupta wedding have allegedly asked Sun International that only white people serve them, the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) in the North West said on Thursday.
The trade union federation said wedding guests at Sun City asked for their rooms to be cleaned by white people and for white drivers to chauffer them around.
Cosatu added guests were being guarded by police.
North West Secretary Solly Phetoe said, “The Gupta people have made a public statement in Sun International that they don’t want to be served by African blacks. They want them [the hotel rooms] to be cleaned by white people. As Cosatu, we see that as racial attitude.”

Zambiër looi SA

Guy Scott
 ‘‘Ek haat Suid-Afrikaners.”

Dié uitspraak is gedoen deur Guy Scott, die Zambiese visepresident, in ’n onderhoud met die Britse oggendkoerant The Guardian.

Hy het ná sy terugkeer van die Thatcher-begrafnis met David Smith, die koerant se Suider-Afrikaanse korrespondent, gepraat. Die onderhoud is vandeesweek gepubliseer.

Scott (68) is wit en in Zambië gebore.

“Die Suid-Afrikaners is baie agterlik betreffende historiese ontwikkeling,” het hy aan Smith gesê. “Ek haat Suid-Afrikaners. Dis nie regverdig om dit te sê nie omdat ek van baie Suid-Afrikaners hou, maar hulle dink regtig hulle is kaas en eintlik was hulle die oorsaak van so baie moeilikheid in dié deel van die wêreld.

“Ek het ’n suspisie dat die swart mense die wit mense se voorbeeld volg noudat hulle die mag het. ‘Weet jy nie wie ons is nie, man?’ ”

Hy meen Suid-Afrika hoort nie in die Brics-geselskap (Brasilië, Rusland, Indië, China en Suid-Afrika) nie. “Ek het ’n hekel aan Suid-Afrika om dieselfde rede dat Latyns-Amerikaners niks van die Amerikaners hou nie.
Hy is eenvoudig te groot en te onsubtiel.”

Scott het ook ’n striemende persoonlike aanval op pres. Jacob Zuma gedoen. “Hy is nes (oudpres. FW) De Klerk. Hy sê aan ons: ‘Los Zimbabwe vir my.’ Verskoon my, maar wie de hel het julle bevry? Ek bedoel, hy lyk na ’n gemoedelike man, maar ek kry hom jammer oor sy raadgewers.”

Oor pres. Robert Mugabe van Zimbabwe het hy gesê dié het die Zambiese regering meegedeel hy wil uittree.
Hy meen Mugabe wil die verkiesing verloor en die mag oordra. “Ek dink hy het dit bedoel of hy het gespeel met die idee om dit te bedoel. Miskien wou hy hoor hoe dit klink. Of iets.”

Volgens Scott bewonder elke goeie Afrika-nasionalis Mugabe. “Rassisme in Zimbabwe is ’n ernstige kwessie. Ek is op skool daarheen gestuur en dit was soos om in die Hitler-Jeug te wees: die teorieë oor swart minderwaardigheid en dié soort dinge.”

Clayson Monyela, woordvoerder van die departement van internasionale betrekkinge en samewerking, het gesê die Zambiese hoë kommissaris na Suid-Afrika sal ingeroep word om Scott se uitlatings te verduidelik, berig Leopold Scholtz.

Rower in huis geskiet

Die besluit om te skiet was nie maklik nie.

So het Henry Lubbe gister gesê nadat hy ’n rower in sy huis in die Sable Hills-landgoed, noordoos van Pretoria, geskiet het.

“Dit is nie maklik om te skiet nie. Dis nie maklik om so iets te doen nie. Dis nie iets waarvoor enigiemand vra nie,” het Lubbe gesê.

“Dit is ’n bestiering dat dit so afgeloop het en dat dit nie een van ons is wat seergekry het en dat ons nie misdaadslagoffers geword het soos die res van die land nie.”

Gistermiddag het die rower nog geleef, het sers. Portia Maleka, polisiewoordvoerder, gesê.

Lubbe (39), eienaar van ’n voedselverwerkingsfabriek, het gisteroggend soos elke ander oggend omstreeks 04:00 wakker geword om vir werk reg te maak.

“Ek het geluide gehoor soos iemand wat aan die skuifdeur stamp,” het Lubbe gesê. “Ek het my vrou wakker gemaak en vir haar gesê om na my seun (6) se kamer te gaan en die deur te sluit terwyl ek ondertoe gaan om te kyk.

“Ek was amper by die laaste trap toe bestorm twee mans my van voor af en een van die kant af. Ek het begin skiet.”

Lubbe het vier skote afgevuur waarvan een ’n rower in die kop getref het.

Sy twee makkers het met ’n skootrekenaar en ’n paar bottels Jack Daniel’s-whisky by dieselfde skuifdeur uitgehardloop as waardeur hulle ingekom het.

Die gewonde man is per helikopter na ’n plaaslike hospitaal geneem. Volgens Maleka is hy onder polisiebewaking en kry mediese behandeling.

Die vermoede is dat die mans ’n heining van die landgoed geknip het om in te kom.

Volgens Lubbe verwag ’n mens nie om in ’n landgoed met baie veiligheidsmaatreëls ’n rower in jou huis sal betrap nie.

Hy skiet nie gereeld nie en het ’n vuurwapen net om selfverdedigingsredes.

“ ’n Mens moet doen wat jy moet, maar dit was nie maklik nie,” het hy gesê.

Maleka het die gemeenskap gevra om inligting wat die ander twee mans kan help vastrek by die Kameeldrift-polisiekantoor by 012 819 8210 aan te meld.