
Monday, May 6, 2013

Woman frees herself during robbery

HURLINGHAM - While unlocking her security gate at about lunchtime, a woman was approached by two men at her Carlisle Road home in Hurlingham.

06 May 2013

According to Parkview police spokesperson Princess Mudau, one of the men pushed the woman to the ground and threatened her with a knife.

"They asked for money and jewellery. She told them she had no jewellery and that they would find money in her handbag," said Mudau.

Two more men arrived and took the woman into the passage where they bound her hands and legs.

The four men left her in the passage and began to ransack the house.

The woman managed to free herself and locked the passage door. She went to her bedroom, locked the door and pressed her panic button.

The men fled with cash, a cellphone, a safety box and jewellery when they heard the alarm.

The value of the stolen items was estimated at R50 000.

No arrests have been made.
Genocide Watch returns South Africa to stage 5 “polarization” on its Countries at Risk Chart

By Genocide Watch
2 February 2012

After upgrading South Africa to stage 6 “preparation” in September 2011 due to the increasing power of Julius Malema, then the Marxist racist President of the African National Congress Youth League, two quite significant developments have occurred.  The first was a South African court’s ruling that Malema’s singing of the “Shoot the Boer” song constitutes “hate speech” in violation of South African law.  The court issued an injunction prohibiting Malema from singing the song.  The second development is the suspension of Julius Malema from the African National Congress (ANC) and his removal as President of the ANC Youth League.
Stage 5 of the eight stages of genocide is “polarization”. Given the history of Apartheid in South Africa, there is deep-rooted polarization between whites and black in the nation. Part of the polarization in South Africa is the legacy of Apartheid and the continuing dominance in the economy of white owned businesses and farms.  There is also polarization from the black population, who feel excluded from real power and jobs, even though the ANC now controls the government. 
A response to this black polarization was Julius Malema’s call for redistribution of wealth from the white population to the black population, which Malema claimed to be a “correction of the injustices of Apartheid.” The current socio-economical inequalities in South Africa are leading to an increasing, rather than decreasing polarization. Since poverty and unemployment among black youth remains, tensions between impoverished blacks and wealthier whites is likely to increase.
This general polarization, which is normally non-violent, created a fertile ground for political radicalization. That was the case with the rise of Malema, former President of the ANC Youth League, when he and his followers sang the old anti-Boer song: “Kill the Boer” at rallies of the Youth League. Malema called for expropriation of white owned land when he was in Zimbabwe visiting Robert Mugabe and called Botswana’s racially harmonious society “neo-colonial”. These practices of Malema, and the slowness of the leadership of the ANC to discipline him, made Genocide Watch upgrade South Africa to stage 6 in September 2011. But now that Malema has been removed from his position of growing power, Genocide Watch is returning South Africa to stage 5.
It is very important to note that downgrading Genocide Watch’s risk assessment, does not mean that the situation is safe now in South Africa.  Unfortunately, we still think Malema has a large following among unemployed youth, and tensions between black and white people are still high.
Genocide Watch continues to be alarmed at hate crimes committed against whites, particularly against Boer farmers, an important early warning sign that genocide could occur.  Those who commit such crimes must be promptly brought to justice, and denounced by the political leaders of South Africa.  Genocide Watch’s first six stages do not constitute genocide.  Genocide Watch does not believe that genocide is currently underway in South Africa.  Nevertheless, Genocide Watch will keep a watchful eye on the situation.

The Truth About South Africa

Politically Motivated Murders in South Africa from 1994 to 2012:

Whites Murdered by Blacks

Since 1994, more than 60000 (if not 60000, I apologize profusely and you can replace the number with 'a shitload' - these numbers come from various other sites - and they have increased since I wrote this article - Google 'muldersdrift') white South Africans have been murdered of which more than 4000 were commercial farmers. Exact figures are very hard to come by as the South African police fail to report most of the murders that take place. There is also no distinction between white and black victims in crime records.

The estimated number of whites sounds like a lot. But it's pretty much common knowledge around the world that there are 50+ murders PER DAY in SA. From 1994 to 2013, that's around 350 000 murders. So, why is it so hard to believe that 60 000 of those are black on white? It's about 17% of the total murders. But the numbers are not the main issue here. It's the NATURE of the crimes.

As the white population of South Africa was 4 434 697 according to the official state census in 1996, and more than 400 000 white South Africans have left the country, it could be estimated that nearly 2% of white South Africans have been murdered in the 18 years of democracy.

Compare that to the 7518 black people that were murdered by the Apartheid government, which comes to a percentage of 0.02% of the black population. (And no, you can't compare people killed by the security forces with people killed by civilians, but I'm sure that if you look up white on black civilian murders during Apartheid, it would still be very low indeed. I'm not in the business of statistics - I'm trying to highlight the fact that it is a lie that the Apartheid government killed millions of blacks)

So, if anybody ever asks you how many black people were killed by white people in South Africa, you can tell them that black people have murdered roughly 100 times more white people in the last 63 years.


White Farmers Murdered by Blacks

There were roughly 128 000 commercial farmers in South Africa in 1980. Today there are 40 000 commercial farmers left in South Africa.

Since 1994, more than 4000 farmers have been murdered and many more maimed, tortured, raped and assaulted.

Go to I guarantee that you will read about either a farm murder or an elderly couple that was murdered EVERY DAY.

The percentages are pretty alarming. Even though it's an inaccurate way of expressing murder rates, one could argue that almost 10% of white farmers in South Africa have been murdered.

The official data is that the murder rate of white South African Farmers (boers) is the highest in the world by profession. It is currently 310/100 000. In London, England, the probability of being murdered is 3/100 000.

It amazes me that white South Africans need to go through lengthy visa applications to enter English speaking nations - isn't it obvious that we should be able to claim asylum based on the fact that we have such a massive probability of being murdered in our own country?
Is daar mense wat hier kan help asb?

Stuur aan vir mense in Moot area asb. Hulp asb! 26e laan brand. Mamma en 2 dogters was in die Grasdak tuinwoonstel en die ketel het die brand veroorsaak. Als is vernietig. Mamma sit nog in haar slaapklere. Daar is ook 'n boetie wat verkieslik nie nou moet weet wat gebeur het nie. Hy is by 'n maatjie. Ons benodig-skoolklere en skoene asb!!! Mamma - nr 36 klere. nr 5 skoen. Dogter 16jaar (30-32 klere) Magaliesskool 6-7 skoen. Dogter 14jaar (Oos Moot) nr 6-7 skoen. Boetie 10 jaar (Totiusdal) nr 4 skoen. Skoolklere, gewone klere, skoene, Kos, Beddegoed, Badkamergoed vir die dogters, Kos. Kombuisware. Meubels. Mamma se handsak met al haar persoonlike goed. ID, bankkaart ens. As enige iemand weet hoe ons dit moet hanteer om te vervang. Kontak Ilse Croukamp asb 0828215106. Adres om skenkings af te laai 29e Laan 655. Wees so gaaf en stuur aan asb. Elke bietjie help al is dit 'n blikkie kos. Sx

Twee jong meisies is vanoggend deur twee BARBARE in die Laeveld Botanies Tuine aangeval.

Die BARBARE het die twee vriendinne omstreek 11:30 naby die hangbrug oor die Krokodilrivier ingewag en met pangas aangeval. Hulle het met meisies se handsakke langs die oewer van die rivier af gevlug.

Een van die jong vroue se arms is erg gewond toe sy deur een van die BARBARE met 'N panga aangerand is. Sy is na die hospitaal gejaag. Sx
The article I wrote about the "Black on White" murders and attacks in South Africa between 1 May 2012 and 30 April 2013, has been read just by just over 10 000 people...

Please share this article and if you know of any attacks I have not listed, please provide me with the detail, and where possible, a link to an article in the media.

This is a summary of "Black on White" attacks in South-Africa from 1 May 2012 to 30 April 2013.
365 Days. 304 Attacks. 463 Victims. 169 Murdered. 21 Raped.

This is a GENOCIDE! The deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group....yet no one seems to mind it... and it has been ongoing for 20 years!

When the Genocide Convention was passed by the United Nations in 1948, the world said, "Never again." But the history of the 20th century instead proved that "never again" became "again and again." The promise the United Nations made was broken, as again and again, genocides are killing more people than all the international wars of the 20th century combined! We are such a people!
Die Roux-egpaar, 74 & 71, is op hul plaas in Piet Retief met pangas aangeval. BARBARE het 'n paar rand gevat en selfone gelos want dis "te oud"! Oom en Tannie in die hospitaal. Boere soek aanvallers!

Another attack

The Roux couple 71 and 74 were attacked on their farm in Piet Retief with pangas. The barbarics took cash and fled. The couple are in hospital. This barbarics are not there to steal, they go out to murder and while they there...why not steal.