
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Boycott Burger King’

Boycott Burger King’

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Pagad has called on people to boycott Burger King. The People Against Gangsterism and Drugs claim the owners of the local franchise behind the fast food giant are of “questionable morality”.
Pagad spokesperson Osman Sahib
Pagad spokesperson Osman Sahib. Picture: Noor Slamdien
Grand Parade Investments (GPI) – which is a stakeholder of Grandwest Casino – is the parent company of Burger King SA. Cape Town businessman Hassen Adams is the founder and director of Grand Parade Investments.
Pagad spokesman Osman Sahib tells the Daily Voice: “Pagad calls on people not to support Burger King because the owner is directly involved with gambling. For the same reason we ask our people not to support GrandWest Casino or go into liquor stores, we want people to avoid Burger King.
Gambling does not make people rich, they only get poorer.
Grand Parade Investments has a 30 percent stake in SunWest, the owner of GrandWest Casino. GPI also holds stakes in Worcester’s Golden Valley Casino and limited pay out machine operations across SA. It also holds a 30.6 percent stake in Real Africa Holdings, giving it a share in Gauteng’s Carnival City Casino & Entertainment World, KwaZulu-Natal’s Sibaya Casino & Entertainment Kingdom, and the Eastern Cape’s Boardwalk Casino & Entertainment World.
Adams last year bought the African Burger King franchise for R9.1 million.
Sahib says any profits made from gambling operations is haraam [forbidden according to Islamic law].
I must make it clear that this is not a personal attack on Adams because he is Muslim, but because of what he represents,” he says.
“We are not only speaking on behalf of Muslims, Pagad represents all people who stand for justice and morality. However, Muslims know that when there is doubt about the morality of something, they must refrain from it.
Adams has built his entire business by investing in gambling and casinos, something which is outright forbidden – not only in Islam, but also Christianity.
Sahib also condemned the organisation that granted Burger King restaurant halaal status.
We are questioning the halaal body that granted the certificate knowing that Adams represents an institution of Satan. Are our halaal bodies now just there to fill their own pockets at the expense of the Muslim public?” he asks.
The Islamic Council of South Africa, which certified Burger King halaal, defended their action.
People are making the mistake of judging Mr Adams about his business dealings because he is Muslim,” said ICSA Operations Manager and food technologist Aabied Akhewari.
“We are not certifying Mr Adams or Grand Parade Investments, we are certifying Burger King, and that store belongs to the Burger King franchise in South Africa.
“Our main aim is to certify the food the business is selling is halaal. People must remember… many owners of franchises are not Muslim. If a Muslim wants to walk into Burger King, they can be 100 percent certain that the food they are buying is halaal.”
Adams was not available to comment by the time of going to print on Thursday night.
‘Boycott Burger King’ – May 17, 2013

South Africa black-owned farms 'failing'

South Africa black-owned farms 'failing'

Farmers planting anything from bananas to sweet potatoes or spinach in eastern South Africa
In 1994 almost 90% of the land was owned by white South Africans
Some 90% of farms redistributed to South Africa's black population from white farmers are not productive, the government has said.
Land reform minister Gugile Nkwinti warned the land might be repossessed if the farms continued to fail.
Almost 60,000 sq km (23,000 sq miles) have been redistributed under policies aimed at benefiting black people who were left impoverished by apartheid.
The land was bought from white farmers who sold up voluntarily.
The BBC's Pumza Fihlani in Johannesburg says some black farmers are likely to argue that they have been struggling to get the resources and skills to develop their land.
And repossessing the land would provide a whole new problem for the government, our correspondent says, as any move to return the land to its former white owners is bound to be controversial.
Sensitive issue
The government had set a target of 2014 to redistribute one-third of white-owned land back to the black majority.
But Mr Nkwinti acknowledged that the deadline would not be kept.
He said the focus would now shift to helping the black farmers make their land productive.
"The farms - which were active accruing revenue for the state - were handed over to people, and more than 90% of those are not functional," he said.
"They are not productive, and therefore the state loses the revenue. We cannot afford to go on like that... No country can afford that."
At the end of apartheid in 1994 almost 90% of land was owned by the white community, which made up less than 10% of the population.
Land reform is a sensitive issue in South Africa and has been brought into sharp focus by the decline of agriculture in neighbouring Zimbabwe, where many white commercial farmers have been violently evicted.

Free the Boeremag in South Africa

Although being in custody since 2002, the first treason trial in South African history post apartheid regime started on the 19th of May 2003 under high security at the Palace of Justice at the Pretoria High Court. Members of the Boeremag group are being tried for allegedly planning to overthrow the African National Congress (ANC) led government. It is ironically the same place in which former president Nelson Mandela, the late Walter Sisulu and six others were tried for planning to overthrow the apartheid government during the infamous Revonia Treason Trial of 1964.Boeremag Trial Marks its 10th Anniversary. (13 photos)

Boeremag Trial Marks its 10th Anniversary.

Updated 6 minutes ago
Although being in custody since 2002, the first treason trial in South African history post apartheid regime started on the 19th of May 2003 under high security at the Palace of Justice at the Pretoria High Court. Members of the Boeremag group are being tried for allegedly planning to overthrow the African National Congress (ANC) led government. It is ironically the same place in which former president Nelson Mandela, the late Walter Sisulu and six others were tried for planning to overthrow the apartheid government during the infamous Revonia Treason Trial of 1964.

Boere Krisis Aksie (B.K.A.)

(Gordon) Met strykysters gebrand

Saterdag 18 Mei 2013

’n Vyfjarige meisie is langs ’n pad in Bronkhorstspruit gekry nadat haar aanneemouers tydens ’n plaasaanval aangerand en met strykysters gebrand is.

Johan van Wyk het gister gesê ná die aanval op sy skoonouers het die meisie, wie se naam nie bekend gemaak is nie, “ ’n flits gegryp en gehardloop.

“Ek het haar langs die pad gekry.”

Die meisie is ook deur die aanvallers geslaan.

Van Wyk wou nie meer sê van die aanval op sy skoonouers, Les (67) en Gayle Adlam (63) nie.

Les is in ’n ernstige toestand in die Wilgers-hospitaal in Pretoria opgeneem, terwyl sy vrou se beserings minder ernstig is.

Dit is vandag hul huweliksherdenking.

Die Adlam-egpaar se dogter, Claire van Wyk (32), het op Facebook geskryf: “Mense bid asb vir my pa en ma. Vanoggend aangerand in plaasaanval op balmoral pad. My pa se toestand is baie sleg. In Jesus se naam spreek saam met my genesing.

“Ek is nou in die ambulans saam my pa oppad wilgers toe. My ma agterna. Voel so magteloos.”

Sy het ’n paar uur later geskryf: “My ma is baie seer en blou maar geen frakture. My pa het geen breinbloeding! Omtrent al sy gesigsbene is gebreek en hy is nog nie by nie.”

Kapt. Sarah Mcira, polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê drie mans het omstreeks 03:15 ’n venster van die huis op die plaas by Onverwacht op die pad na Balmoral gebreek.

“Die mans het in die huis ingegaan en na die egpaar se slaapkamer gegaan. Hulle het die slapende egpaar wakker gemaak en hulle vasgebind.

“Hulle het geld geëis. Hulle het R10 000 en drie vuurwapens en ammunisie gevat.

“Die mans het die egpaar met strykysters gebrand en hulle met ’n ystervoorwerp geslaan.”

Na verneem word, het Les terwyl die polisie op die toneel was kort-kort sy bewussyn verloor weens sy beserings.

Hy is in ’n plaaslike hospitaal opgeneem voordat hy na Pretoria oorgeplaas is.

Volgens Mcira is die vyfjarige meisie enkele kilometers van die plaas gekry en die polisie sal probeer vasstel presies hoe sy daar gekom het.

Mcira het gesê ’n verdagte is gistermiddag in Badplaas in die KwaMhlanga-omgewing vasgetrek en albei voertuie wat geroof is, is teruggekry.

Alberton guest lodge manager Leslie Rabie viciously assaulted by black-racist guests

Alberton guest lodge manager Leslie Rabie viciously assaulted by black-racist guests

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Alberton Guest lodge manager Leslie Rabie viciously assaulted by black-racist guests: police refuse to investigate
Lesley Rabie, manager at Michelle Corporate Guest Lodge had her nose broken when guests assaulted her, on Saturday evening May 11.
17 May 2013 report by Look Local Malcolm Maifala – When Rabie noticed a number of cars come in to the lodge, she went out of her room to see what was going on as she suspected not all the people who came had booked in as guests. When approaching the visitors, she noticed they were preparing for a braai. “Guests need to make arrangements with the lodge should they wish to braai”, said Rabie.“When I told them what they were doing was not allowed, they accused me of “being racist, “a number of (black) men surrounded me, and the next moment, they hit me in the face with a stick.”Rabie’s boyfriend who was at the scene, intervened when he saw the men attack his girlfriend. Unfortunately that did not stop the men from causing more damage to the rest of the property.
When they called for help from the police, Rabie was not impressed by the conduct of the officers who came to their property.
She said, “The police came here and they did not take any statement or search for the weapon they used to hit me.“Two police officers from Alberton SAPS came to assist after my boyfriend called them. However, the one officer who admitted what was done to her was wrong was out-ranked by the younger police officer who carried on laughing with guests that assaulted me.”
When speaking to the police, they were under the impression the case was opened in Germiston and would have to be transferred to Alberton SAPS, because it is an Alberton case.A captain from Alberton SAPS captain visited the victim during the week, but did not take any statement.According to the lodge manager, “The investigating officer made an appointment with me, but he never came to the lodge.”
De Ruiter Dave yes tjom n plaas aanval gisteraand tussen Rustenburg en Koster die oom is 72, in die been geskiet en het blykbaar een swarte in die kop geskiet en een gewond. Die oom is in die hospitaal sal seker more meer detail he oor die voorval geniet jou aand!

White Scrapyard worker William Sharman executed by five-member black male gang for his lunchbox

White Scrapyard worker William Sharman executed by five-member black male gang for his lunchbox

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Scrapyard worker William Sharman shot dead execution-style – for his lunchbox:
17 May 2013 Sanelisiwe Tsinde – Freese Road, New Germany. KZN – William Sharman, a man who worked at Queensmead scrapyard, was murdered by five black men as he arrived for work. They took his briefcase – in which he only carried his lunchbox.
When one man had shot Sharmen twice and walked away, he turned back and shot him in the head when he saw Sharman was still alive, an eyewitness said.
“The gunman was chased and caught by people from surrounding areas and was arrested and the murder-gun recovered. Four others escaped in a white Mazda with a NUF registration.
Walter Riggien owner of Queensmead scrapyard and the son-in-law of the murdered man, said he and the staff were still in shock.
“His briefcase had no money,there was only his lunchbox in it.
“Sharman was my father-in-law and he was an awesome man with a good heart,” saig Riggien.
People around expressed their anger at the cruel way that Sharman was killed as he was such a good man.
New Germany CPF chairman, Matthews Buthelezi, said the rate of crime in this country is shocking.
“What irritates me is that these people (criminals) are not even from this area, they come from faraway places to commit crime here,” said Buthelezi.
FIRST REPORT: NEW GERMANY THIS MORNING: 17/05/3013. Confirmed murder New Germany, Freese Rd, happened at about 07h00 – 17 May 2013. One WHITE male dead, brief case stolen. 4 BM suspects escaped in white Mazda with NUF reg. One suspect in custody with firearm. please contact SAP 10111 if you have any info or email me at

Husband and wife survive Machete attack

Husband and wife survive Machete attack

Rustenburg/ Buffelspoort – On Sunday afternoon, At (63) and Winnie Janse van Rensburg (58) was brutally attacked at their home after returning from a holiday at the Kruger National Park. The Janse van Rensburgs are the proud owners of the Bosveld Paradys Guest lodge, a little piece of paradise situated between ATKV-Buffelspoort and Mooinooi. Their home is on a property bordering that of the guest lodge, a place that most of us would consider a small piece of heaven. It is amidst this serenity that they endured hell.
In South Africa a machete is called a Panga
Beaten, hacked, assaulted… these words do not capture the disturbing events the Janse van Rensburgs went through. “My dad opened the kitchen door of their home, to start offloading their holiday baggage. As he bent down to pick up my mother’s laptop, he was hit over the head,” the couple’s daughter said. “The car was still idling,” she added, clearly in shock by this vicious act. They removed his glasses and sprayed him with pepper spray, kicking him whilst he was forced to crawl to his bedroom. He heard the screams of his wife, indicating that she too was under attack, him not being able to do anything about it. Then one of the attackers hit him with a crowbar.
They demanded weapons, liquor and cash. Mrs. Van Rensburg was also dragged into the bedroom… Not knowing whether that next blow with the panga was going to kill them. The couple was tied up. Mr Janse van Rensburg told their captors that more people were on their way, to help them unpack. The attackers left within minutes, taking with them also a TV and the couple’s Toyota Camry. “My dad managed to free himself. He crawled outside, called the neighbours and went to hide in the nearby bushes. The neighbours immediately rushed them to hospital.”
A family member noted that Mr. Janse van Rensburg was drenched in blood. At was operated on in Rustenburg to repair damages to his wrist as well as his pinkie which was close to being chopped off by a panga. Winnie however had to be transferred to hospital in Krugersdorp due to the severity of her injuries. She was hacked with a panga which left her with a cracked skull and bleeding on the brain. “My mother’s condition has stabilised. This is a difficult time, but we are thankful for the constant support of family and friends,” Mari Walters told the Platinum Weekly.
Mr. Janse van Rensburg on Wednesday for the 1st time after the attack started regaining his vision, his eyes still swollen and damaged. According to the SAPS, the Camry was later found under a bridge on the N4, close to Brits. No arrests have been made to date. According to the couple’s daughter, her parents are always on their guard, with more than one security measure in place, always following it to the T. “Coming back from holiday, they were still in a relax mode. It goes to show, you must never let down your guard,” she added.
Update: Beeld Reports Mrs. van rensburg is much stronger now and her husband is still in hospital after the Panga  (Machete) nearly severed a finger and a deep cut on his wrist.