
Monday, June 3, 2013

Hatecrime against young white mom

Hatecrime against young white mom

Hatecrime against young white mom – gangraped by seven blacks at her goldmine job. A laboratory worker at Target goldmine Allanridge — who was gangraped by seven black males. Yet the SA Police Service did not provide the attackers’ nor the victim’s race. Please note the double-standards: the SA Dept of Labour maintains extensive records of the few whites who are still allowed to work in South Africa, but the SA police department is apparently not allowed to record crimes by racial democraphics. Even when the public would be greatly helped by physical descriptions of the perpetrators being hunted. However, a local woman, Mrs Anna Coetzee did inform us that the victim was white, writing on the News24 story: “That a wonderful young white mommy with a loving heart for everyone around her has now been destroyed’. (page view attached). In the formal SAPS announcement, Stephen Thakeng said that the ‘police are seeking seven suspects in connection with a rape and robbery this past weekend at a goldmine in Allanridge in the Free State.” He also confirmed that ‘a female worker at the laboratory department was raped.’ He added: ‘They stole 8 computers and a Yaris car.” That’s also inaccurate: the Yaris wasn’t ‘robbed’ nor ‘stolen: ‘ , it was found abandoned: the gang-rapists had merely used it to escape in. It’s not known whether the laboratory department was protected with security measures by the goldmine. Obviously they were however completely inadequate. Strangely, even though the police spokesman Stephen Thakeng says they are ‘seeking seven suspects,’ he completely fails to provide ANY KIND OF PHYSICAL DESCRIPTIONS of them. Heaven forbid, he might have to provide a racial description and in South Africa, the police aren’t allowed to do that… There’s seven of them, and they are ‘males’. That’s all anybody knows. (actually we did speak to an Allanridge police office who confirmed that the men were blacks and young. That’s one more piece of the puzzle we can now publish for the public good… meanwhile: Good luck finding them! I didn’t speak to the detective investigating the case, but if anyone has any information about this gang of rapists, Koos Venter of the Allanridge SAPS can be contacted directly at 082-466-8193 . We attach a screenshot of the comment by local woman, Mrs Mrs Anna Coetzee.

South Africa Nineteen Ninety four's photo.

 South Africa Nineteen Ninety four's photo.
While police crime statistics show that there were 21 683 murders in the year 2000, the Medical Research Council puts the figure at 32 482. The Department of Home Affairs at 30 068. This is a third more murders than reported by SAPS, a discrepancy of more than 10 000 murders. The Medical Research Council’s statistics reveal that 89 murders are committed, on average, every day in South Africa. Interpol claims even higher numbers of murders in South Africa. While SAPS claims that there were 26 883 murders in 1995, Interpol claims that there were 54 298 “murders known to the police” in 1995/96. Interpol’s figures are approximately double the numbers of “recorded murders” in South Africa. According to Interpol, South Africa has the highest recorded per capita murder rate of the countries covered in their report for 1998, second only to Columbia. In that year, Interpol recorded the per capita murder rate in the USA as 6 per 100 000, while in South Africa it was 59 per 100 000. In the first eight years (of peace) of the new democratic dispensation, under the ANC, an average of 24 206 murders were committed each year. However, if the Interpol statistics are accepted, then the murder rate in South Africa during the ANC years has averaged 47 882 per year...