
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Corresopndence in Dutch between a friend, Koen Jennes and Amnesty International.

Corresopndence in Dutch between a friend, Koen Jennes and Amnesty International. He asked them to investigate the genocide of the Boer nation. Their reply was that they acknowledge that there id a genocide, but are too busy with other matters to give attention.
I ask that everyone reading this writes a message to Jan Pollet <> and ask if the genocide will receive attention after all the Boers have been tortured to death.

Jan Pollet <>

25 mrt. aan mij
Beste meneer Jennes,
Het Zuid-Afrikaanse kantoor van Amnesty International heeft ons laten weten dat, hoewel de ernst van de aantijgingen niet betwist wordt, we niet de middelen hebben om op elk mensenrechtenprobleem te werken. De problematiek die u onder onze aandacht bracht, is op dit moment geen prioriteit voor de onderzoekers en campaigners die werken rond Zuid Afrika.
De prioriteiten op dit moment werden vastgesteld als: •HIV/AIDS, poverty, women’s rights and the right to health;
•Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity;
•Refugee and migrants’ rights and xenophobia;
•The prevention and investigation of torture and extra-judicial executions; and
•Threats and harassment of human rights defenders and infringements of freedom of expression.
Ik hoop dat u begrijpt dat onze organisatie planmatig moet werken om efficiënt te zijn en dat dat soms leidt tot harde en moeilijke keuzes.
Mijn excuses dat we u niet verder van dienst kunnen zijn.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Jan Pollet
From: Jan Pollet/BE-FL/Amnesty International
Date: 11/03/2014 15:27
Subject: re: the safety or white prisoners
Beste meneer Jennes,
Dank voor uw email. Ik heb - zoals beloofd - een email gestuurd aan mijn collega's in Zuid-Afrika. Zoals in ons gesprek verduidelijkt, werkt dit kantoor niet alleen en zijn wij aangewezen op onze collega's die rigoureus onderzoekswerk verrichten alvorens standpunt in te nemen over eender wat.
Ik ben net terug van een kort verblijf in het buitenland en heb een grote mailachterstand. Mocht ik in tussentijd antwoord hebben gekregen, zal ik u dat zo snel mogelijk laten weten.
Tot dan, met vriendelijke groet,
Jan Pollet
----- Forwarded by Theo Ridwan/BE-FL/Amnesty International on 06/03/2014 09:03 -----
From: Koen Jennes <>
To: amnesty <>,
Date: 05/03/2014 19:29
Subject: the safety or white prisoners

Geachte ,
Langs deze weg wil ik u mededelen dat ik op 26 februari 2014 bij jullie geweest ben ivm de genocide in Zuid Afrika .Toch u kon mij niet helpen maar er werd mij beloofd om een mail te sturen naar jullie afdeling ginds en dat ik in kennis zou gesteld worden.Tot op heden heb ik nog van jullie nog van de afdeling in Zuid Afrika enig schrijven mogen ontvangen.Hieronder vind u een copy van een schrijven hoe het er aan toe gaat met de blanke gevangen. Wanneer worden juliie aub wakker ? Moeten er eerst doden vallen?
Hopende op een antwoord groet ik u beleefd
Koen Jennes
The facts as we have it are as follows:
Pretoria Central Prison:
1. Shortly after his incarceration Doctor Lets Pretorius was stabbed with a knife:
2. His son, the reverend Mr. Wilhelm Pretorius is constantly threatened with bodily harm;
3. On February 27th, 2014 both Messrs Clive Derby-Lewis and Januz Walus suffered an attack with a sharpened instrument;
Zonderwater Prison:
The Boeremag inmates at Zonderwater were threatened by warders that they will poison their food. This matter could not be reported to the Commanding Officer, Zonderwater, due to his absence. We have access to the Commanding Officer of that institution and will report the matter to him personally as soon as he is available.
We herewith wish to place on record that we hold you liable for the safety of persons that we consider to be political prisoners not agreeing with your government. Further, that we are going to endeavour to bring this situation to the attendance of the media and the foreign authorities.

Hendrik Jacob du Plessis

Morning news for Mar 29, from NetworkedBlogs []
Study: SA Land Confiscation Laws as changing risk factors for commercial sugarcane farmers in KwaZulu Natal

study: SA Land-confiscation policities as a changing risk factors for commercial sugarcane farmers in KwaZulu-Natal: R Mac Nicol, Masters student, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pie...
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126 KZN farmers killed during 780 farm attacks in KwaZuluNatal province since 2001, the Pietermaritzburg High Court heard. March 28 2014 IOL journalist Sherlissa Peters, IOL Dail...
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Murder: Mrs Hazel Huggins, 85, found murdered Summerstrand PE retirement village

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More from FarmiTracker

Hendrik Jacob du Plessis

Maroela Media: Mrs Hazel Huggins, 85, was found tied up on the floor and murdered. SAPS w/o Alwin Labans said her body was found Friday-morning March 28 2014 in the retirement village of Kruger Gardens in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth by a nurse who investigated at 07h30 after Mrs Huggins failed to show up for an appointment.

Boers demonstrate against ethnic-cleansing targetting them in South Africa

Boers demonstrate against ethnic-cleansing targetting them in South Africa
Westminster, United Kingdom -- On Saturday morning, 8 May 2010, around 20 Afrikaners, referring to themselves as “Boere”, conducted a “silent protest” in Parliament Square against what is known in South Africa as “Plaasmoorde” – Farm Murders.
With their mouths taped up and without chanting any of the slogans on their placards ranging from “More than 3,000 farmers murdered since 1994” and “Families butchered everyday” to “No farmers, no food” and “Boer genocide = African famine” they symbolised the silence of the world press when it comes to the reporting of these genocidal killings.
Apart from two high profile murders which had enticed a couple of media reports for a week or two, these often very gruesome murders have gone largely unnoticed.