
Friday, February 28, 2014

Censorbugbear Reports

The bodies of a couple from Valhalla, Pretoria were found on Friday-morning February 28 2014 in their home. The double-murder may have been committed the previous night. The housekeeper came across their bodies and warned the neighbours who alerted the SAPS. The dead woman's car is missing, two handguns were taken from the safe and the son also is missing.
(JP) Die lyke van 'n egpaar van Valhalla is Vrydagoggend in hul huis ontdek.

Die dubbele moord het waarskynlik Donderdagaand plaasgevind.

Hul huiswerker het op die lyke afgekom toe sy vir diens gaan aanmeld het.

Sy het gehardloop om die egpaar se bure te ontbied wat toe op hul beurt die polisie ontbied het.

Die polisie sĂȘ die oorlede vrou se motor is weg en twee vuurwapens is uit die kluis geneem. Die kluis was oopgesluit en daar was geen gedwonge toegang tot die huis of die kluis nie.

Hul enigste seun wat saam met hulle in die huis woon, word vermis en die polisie soek na hom.

Boere Krisis Aksie (B.K.A.)

UITKYK, ASB! Zariska Keulder
Missing Person: Lucinda de Villiers has been missing since monday 24 February. She was last seen wearing her school uniform, Dinamika Hoerskool in Alberton. She's 17 years old. Please contact her dad Dirk if you have any info. Thanks for all your help 0711946327

Boere Krisis Aksie (B.K.A.)

Mystery death: Afrikaner Neels Strydom 32 reported missing 22 feb 2014 Elsburg OB 1897/02/2014. Neels resided in Gannet Street Elsburg & was on foot when he left on the 22 February at 3.30 Pm . A withdrawal was made from his bank account. . It is with deep regret that we extend our sympathy to the family and friends of Neels who was found deceased. Missing people of South Africa Pink Ladies - (#who often seem to hide apparent crime-related deaths from members of the public in this manner). ---

Sunette Bridges

Profielfoto ter ondersteuning van die Red October Veldtog op 21 Maart 2014! Sx