
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Post from Sunette Bridges

So praat die HOOF indunas van die ANC oor Blankes... maar dit is hulle blykbaar geoorloof!

1. "We are going to kill you whites
like flies when Mandela dies" - Judge
John Motata

2. " Kill the Boer- Kill the Farmer" -
... Famous slogan by Peter Mokaba

3. " Let me tell you my friend- I have
triumphed over your apartheid
regime,-and I will triumph over you
again- once and for all"- Julius

4. " I have beaten the Colonials - and
I am going to beat the children of
the children of the Colonials"- Julius

5. " Kill them- Kill the Amaburu"-
Famous song by the ANC and

 6. " All whites are racists"- Dept.
Minister Fikile Mbalula

7. "The British want to be beaten up.
Anyone find an Englishman, do so,
beat him up,” - Sam Njoma

8. " Be careful. If they ( Wjites)- come
here we will show them and teach
them a lesson as we did to South
Africa during the liberation war"- Sam

9. " Make the whole of South Africa
ungovernable! Paralyse apartheid"-
ANC Manifesto

10. " The time has come to take the
war to the White areas"- ANC

11. " Derby-Lewis will never get
parole- he can rot in jail"- Ncondo

12. " You must not steal from blacks-
rather steal from whites"- Willy

13. "Whites will be threatened with a
revolution by black people if the
racial quotas are not met"- Jimmy

14. " I will warn them (whites)- that
this will be a revolution by all black
people- if you want to unite the
people- this is the way to go"- Dept.
Minister of Labor Membhathisi

15. " Unfortunately there are some
people you have to drag to heaven
because they are heading for
danger"- Jimmy Manji on white
farmers that refuse to give-up their
farms for land grabs

16. " Bring me my Machine Gun
( Umshini Whami)- Jacob Zuma at his

17. " You think we have forgiven you-
we have never forgiven you- we have
chosen to follow reconcilliation as
described by our organization- but
we will never forgive you"-
Membhathisi Mdladlana

18. "Whites must watch-out- we will
take action and make the country un-
governable if they do not get in line
quickly"- Gwede Mantasha

19. "It is time we take the economy out of the hands of white men." - Jacob Zuma

ensovoorts... ensovoorts... Sx

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