
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Save the white people in South Africa shared Letters From White South Africa's photo.

Save the white people in South Africa shared Letters From White South Africa's photo.
Edweena's story 

Part 3: 

Now two months ago I go out shopping - I have to walk because when I get home the dogs are not there to greet me but I am not worried because they often go into the garage to catch rats (rats and other vermin have become plentiful in this country because it is now so dirty everybody just throws their junk out onto the street even though we are all given big heavy plastic bins to put out once a week for collection (even these bins get stolen all the time too).

As I unlock the door and step into the house, a black man jumps out from behind the door and holds a knife to my throat and says to me now  "you white fuck, you are going  to die!" There are two of them in the house the one holding me drags me to my bedroom and hold me there while the other one goes around the house kicking in all the doors which are not even locked and he even took the water pipe out of the wall in the bathroom to flood the house. He then proceeded to take everything out of my cupboards pots, pans, etc... broke all my plates, cups etc. 

He came into the bedroom and took all my clothes, blankets, etc. and throws them in the corridor in all the water. While he was busy with all this, the man that was holding me threw me on to the bed and told me that today I was going to die. 

He was sitting on top of me and had his knees on my shoulders and then tried to stab me in the face and neck but I was quick enough to get my hands free and hold them over my face and neck, so he stabbed me in the hand instead. Because the bed moved when he throw me on it, he saw my purse and cut that open. I had my last R2000.00 which I had withdrawn two days before so at to buy dog food etc. He decided to take that and looked in the bag again and took my ID book (they use these books by removing the photo and putting someone else photo in them and they charge a lot of money for this). 

He spoke to the other one in their language (In this case Nigerians) and then dragged me into the sitting room and held me there while the other one put my two birds cages on the floor they made me watch as this one jumped on my birds cages and killed them. Than the one holding me said "you are lucky this time, but next time you are dead". 

They then took my house keys and locked me in the house and on their way out stabbed three of my dogs. I was taken to the police station by a friend but they refused to open a case for me they told me they were too busy but they were opening cases left, right and center for the blacks that were there even though their cases were not as bad as mine. The one had, had a tyre stolen off his car, but here I am blood dripping. 

The next day I went back and told them I have to open a case and one of the black police started the paperwork (all the paperwork is written by hand here, there are no computer systems in order. It is all then given case numbers and put into files). Anyway the detective from the previous night came in and asked the policeman what he was doing. He replied in his language to which the detective said "I told her last night she cannot open a case." 
I wonder why is it because I was the only white person there or was it because I had been attacked by blacks??? 

The next day I phoned repeatedly because the police in this country do not bother to answer their phones. I eventually got a reply and demanded to be put through to the station commander. I started to tell my story and he said he would rather see me in person so he arranged for a car to come fetch me the next day (he is a very nice Indian man). I told him what had happened and he had my case opened immediately- not that anything will ever come of it... in fact the next day the police came to my house to arrest the two men???

All this since the new government??? Back in the good days when my mom and dad were still alive and my sister was still a teenager, I can count on my hand how many crimes involved us directly. One time some teenagers stole my dad’s car (which was left in the street every night because you did not need to worry about it getting stolen.) They took the car for a joy ride and left it parked around the corner. Another time, when things were starting to heat up before the new government, some blacks broke into our house when we went out and stole my mom’s jewellery and the coin collection that my dad used to have and that was all that happened in the good old days.

I have been dragged into the ground since the new south Africa. I can’t even afford to buy a second hand car, never mind own horses like I used to. Some months I don’t even know if I am going to make it through the month but some people who has a job with far less responsibility then mine earn almost twice as much as I do thanks to BEE. 

I now have to catch two buses to work, if there are buses, as the transport system in this country now is so bad if a driver does not come to work they don’t replace him and they just don’t run his shifts. If he is late, he will bypass his route and go a quicker way in order to catch up with his time table, so you never know if a bus is going to come or how you are going to get to work or from work. If there is a strike, then you must just put in for leave unless you are willing to catch one of their TAXIS (mini bus). 

I have tried this a few times first a lot of these taxis are not road worthy. They are held together by pieces of wire, or you have to hold the doors closed because there are no latches. None of the windows open and they put eighteen or more people in the taxi before they will go. I have had one case where a taxi stopped for me and just as I was about to get in, he pulled off and all laughed and shouted "see the white rubbish!" "See how she is scared!" Then I have had another one who refused to stop when I asked him to and had to get out when the next passenger got out and had to walk all the way back.

Getting on the bus has improved but in the beginning I think they were trying to intimidate me, not the driver but the passengers (ninety nine % black)

I have been held back from getting onto the bus and told that I am white I have no right to catch a bus they are for black people and I must buy a car. I have had men (black) ask me how much I charge. I have had them pretend to fall and try grab my boobs. I have had them rub up against me when we have to stand because the drivers allow the buses to be over crowded (once there was a limit as to how many people are allowed in a bus) now there is not. 

I have had one standing on the stairs of a double Decker and look at me then rub himself and repeat this over and over again. When the second bus that I have to catch to get home arrives, there are always so many people that want to get on the will push you and themselves, or grab you and hold you back, in order to get in front of you, or just plain knock you over and walk over you to get into the bus first so that they can sit down. There is no such thing as a queue (line) any more. 

Once I was in a long queue to top up my bus coupon (we pay for them to load trips onto the coupon.) A very well dressed black man cut in and stood in front of me to which I politely said "excuse me, but there is a queue" to which he slapped me in the face and said “who are you talking to you white piece of rubbish you don’t have any rights in this country anymore it is our country now.”

Lovely country we have to live in now don’t you think?
Edweena's story

Part 3:

Now two months ago I go out shopping - I have to walk because when I get home the dogs are not there to greet me but I am not worried because they often go into the garage to catch rats (rats and other vermin have become plentiful in this country because it is now so dirty everybody just throws their junk out onto the street even though we are all given big heavy plastic bins to put out once a week for collection (even these bins get stolen all the time too).

As I unlock the door and step into the house, a black man jumps out from behind the door and holds a knife to my throat and says to me now "you white fuck, you are going to die!" There are two of them in the house the one holding me drags me to my bedroom and hold me there while the other one goes around the house kicking in all the doors which are not even locked and he even took the water pipe out of the wall in the bathroom to flood the house. He then proceeded to take everything out of my cupboards pots, pans, etc... broke all my plates, cups etc.

He came into the bedroom and took all my clothes, blankets, etc. and throws them in the corridor in all the water. While he was busy with all this, the man that was holding me threw me on to the bed and told me that today I was going to die.

He was sitting on top of me and had his knees on my shoulders and then tried to stab me in the face and neck but I was quick enough to get my hands free and hold them over my face and neck, so he stabbed me in the hand instead. Because the bed moved when he throw me on it, he saw my purse and cut that open. I had my last R2000.00 which I had withdrawn two days before so at to buy dog food etc. He decided to take that and looked in the bag again and took my ID book (they use these books by removing the photo and putting someone else photo in them and they charge a lot of money for this).

He spoke to the other one in their language (In this case Nigerians) and then dragged me into the sitting room and held me there while the other one put my two birds cages on the floor they made me watch as this one jumped on my birds cages and killed them. Than the one holding me said "you are lucky this time, but next time you are dead".

They then took my house keys and locked me in the house and on their way out stabbed three of my dogs. I was taken to the police station by a friend but they refused to open a case for me they told me they were too busy but they were opening cases left, right and center for the blacks that were there even though their cases were not as bad as mine. The one had, had a tyre stolen off his car, but here I am blood dripping.

The next day I went back and told them I have to open a case and one of the black police started the paperwork (all the paperwork is written by hand here, there are no computer systems in order. It is all then given case numbers and put into files). Anyway the detective from the previous night came in and asked the policeman what he was doing. He replied in his language to which the detective said "I told her last night she cannot open a case."
I wonder why is it because I was the only white person there or was it because I had been attacked by blacks???

The next day I phoned repeatedly because the police in this country do not bother to answer their phones. I eventually got a reply and demanded to be put through to the station commander. I started to tell my story and he said he would rather see me in person so he arranged for a car to come fetch me the next day (he is a very nice Indian man). I told him what had happened and he had my case opened immediately- not that anything will ever come of it... in fact the next day the police came to my house to arrest the two men???

All this since the new government??? Back in the good days when my mom and dad were still alive and my sister was still a teenager, I can count on my hand how many crimes involved us directly. One time some teenagers stole my dad’s car (which was left in the street every night because you did not need to worry about it getting stolen.) They took the car for a joy ride and left it parked around the corner. Another time, when things were starting to heat up before the new government, some blacks broke into our house when we went out and stole my mom’s jewellery and the coin collection that my dad used to have and that was all that happened in the good old days.

I have been dragged into the ground since the new south Africa. I can’t even afford to buy a second hand car, never mind own horses like I used to. Some months I don’t even know if I am going to make it through the month but some people who has a job with far less responsibility then mine earn almost twice as much as I do thanks to BEE.

I now have to catch two buses to work, if there are buses, as the transport system in this country now is so bad if a driver does not come to work they don’t replace him and they just don’t run his shifts. If he is late, he will bypass his route and go a quicker way in order to catch up with his time table, so you never know if a bus is going to come or how you are going to get to work or from work. If there is a strike, then you must just put in for leave unless you are willing to catch one of their TAXIS (mini bus).

I have tried this a few times first a lot of these taxis are not road worthy. They are held together by pieces of wire, or you have to hold the doors closed because there are no latches. None of the windows open and they put eighteen or more people in the taxi before they will go. I have had one case where a taxi stopped for me and just as I was about to get in, he pulled off and all laughed and shouted "see the white rubbish!" "See how she is scared!" Then I have had another one who refused to stop when I asked him to and had to get out when the next passenger got out and had to walk all the way back.

Getting on the bus has improved but in the beginning I think they were trying to intimidate me, not the driver but the passengers (ninety nine % black)

I have been held back from getting onto the bus and told that I am white I have no right to catch a bus they are for black people and I must buy a car. I have had men (black) ask me how much I charge. I have had them pretend to fall and try grab my boobs. I have had them rub up against me when we have to stand because the drivers allow the buses to be over crowded (once there was a limit as to how many people are allowed in a bus) now there is not.

I have had one standing on the stairs of a double Decker and look at me then rub himself and repeat this over and over again. When the second bus that I have to catch to get home arrives, there are always so many people that want to get on the will push you and themselves, or grab you and hold you back, in order to get in front of you, or just plain knock you over and walk over you to get into the bus first so that they can sit down. There is no such thing as a queue (line) any more.

Once I was in a long queue to top up my bus coupon (we pay for them to load trips onto the coupon.) A very well dressed black man cut in and stood in front of me to which I politely said "excuse me, but there is a queue" to which he slapped me in the face and said “who are you talking to you white piece of rubbish you don’t have any rights in this country anymore it is our country now.”

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