
Friday, May 29, 2015

Bekende Tandarts 36 Keer Gesteek Deur sy Aanvaller

Bekende Tandarts 36 Keer Gesteek Deur sy Aanvaller

bloodmurder-300x159  OOS LONDEN – ‘n Bekende Oos-Londen tandarts Dr Francois Coetzee (69) is op Donderdag omstreeks 17:30 deur ‘n deftige verdagte aangeval en 36 keer gesteek in die Oos-Kaap.
Die aanval het plaasgevind op ‘n gewilde pad deur die Nahoon Point Nature Reserve, wat gereeld deur drawwers, swemmers en strand stappers gebruik word. Die pad loop deur ‘n gebied van herwonne kusduine en bos, die bos is naby die afdraai na die Ooste Bank Herwinning Werke. Kevin Cole, die Nahoon Point Nature Reserve bestuurskomitee het gesê die aanval op Coetzee was ‘n wakker maak oproep vir hulle almal.Coetzee sterk by die huis aan nadat hy twee nagte by die Life Beacon Bay-hospitaal deurgebring het. Volgens Coetzee het sy tryd begin terwyl hy gedraf het saam ander vyf hardlopers. Hy het blykbaar gestop om water af te slaan naby die pompstasie, dit toe ‘n goed-geklede man in sy middel-30s uit die bos, gewapen met ‘n klein mes gekom het. Die ander drawwers is reeds buite bereik afstand. Coetzee het nie geluid gemaak nie en die aanvaller teengestaan.
Hy het met sy rug teen ‘n rots geval terwyl die verdagte bo-op hom was en verwoed voort gegaan het om hom te steek met die mes. Die ergste steek wonde is blykbaar op sy linkerarm en lies opgedoen. Die verdagte het buit gemaak van sy motorsleutels en ‘n T-hemp. Coetzee het gesê dat hy na die aanval opgestaan het, sy selfoon uit sy sak gehaal het en sy seun gekontak het om hulp te ontbied. Hy is na St Dominic‘s Hospitaal gehaas voordat hy oorgeplaas is na Life Beacon Bay.
Volgens kaptein Mluleki Mbi het die aanval plaasgevind omdat Coetzee die roof teengestaan het. Hy het gesê dat nieemand nog in hegtenis geneem is nie en dat ‘n saak van roof is ondersoek word – Dispatch Life

Bejaarde Doodgeslaan met Baksteen Tydens Aanval

bejaarde 4DURBAN – James Quinlin (79) en sy vrou Jill (65) is aangeval op Donderdag middag in hul Glenhills huis in Natal deur ‘n verdagte man wat blykbaar op soek was na werk.
Quinlin is blykbaar doodgeslaan met ‘n baksteen en koper pyp, terwyl sy vrou aangerand en deur haar gesig geslaan is. Die verdagte het Quinlin se selfoon gesteel. Jill Quinlin is erg getraumatiseerd nadat sy haar man by die lykshuis moes gaan identifiseer – Sunette Bridges News Page

Genocide of the Boer in South Africa

Genocide of the Boer in South Africa

“Nothing reaches far and wide like murmurings of  Genocide. Yet nothing else sounds more bizarre when hearing it from lands afar. Ignorance is bliss they say so I am wiping it away. You cannot claim you didn’t know or try to say it isn’t so…”
In less than 10 years, thousands of Rhino have been slaughtered for their horns! This is a travesty! Even more so as there is no scientific proof that Rhino horn has any medicinal property what so ever. Yet some claim that is a powerful aphrodisiac and one man claims it can cure cancer. There is absolutely NO truth to these claims, but still these majestic animals are on the brink of extinction!
In 2012 alone 381 rhino have paid the ultimate price for these ridiculous claims! Most of the rhino are
killed in, of all places, the Kruger National Park! …one of South Africa’s main tourist attractions and supposedly a safe environment for our much treasured Wild Life. Most of the rhino horn is sold on the Black market in Asia! Our Government stockpiles the horns that are confiscated by the police, but there is no clarity as to how much they have or what is to be done with it. We seem to be unable to get this problem under control and the more effort that is put into stopping this, the more popular these horns become!
There is a huge outcry, locally and internationally to DO something about this inhumane slaughtering of our rhino and our Government has given heed to this, BECAUSE the world is getting involved! We thank you for this!

I am, however writing this piece to BEG people from all over the world to give the same kind of attention, if not more, to another, even more horrific and pressing disaster facing South Africa! I refuse to believe that we live in a world where HUMAN life is less valued than that of animals and yet, it seems to be the case when it comes to getting the world to sit up and take notice of the fact that the WHITE BOER PEOPLE of South Africa are literally ALSO on the brink of extinction!
More than 4 000 White Farmers (Boers) have been murdered in Brutal Farm Attacks and that number increases daily and thousands more “Boers” are being murdered in our Cities for no apparent reason other than that they are WHITE!
Please, do not think for even a second, that I am exaggerating! Here are the FACTS!
In 1991 there were 5.6 Million Whites in South Africa. Today we are less than 4.3 Million! …and of the 133 000 commercial farmers in South Africa, only 29 000 are left!
We have been placed on level 6 of a possible 8, by Genocide Watch, an International organization that monitors, not only the number of people that are being brutally murdered in Race driven killings, but the political and socio-economic environment in which these people find themselves. These first 6 stages are…
Referring to people or groups op people as “Us” and “Them”, according to race, ethnicity, religion or nationality.

We (the European people) are referred to by the black population of South Africa, by several names that include “Boer”, “Whitey”, “iBhunu”, etc.
Giving names or symbols to the classifications – in our case referring to us as “Boers” or “Whiteys”. Classification and symbolization are universally human and do not necessarily result in genocide, unless they leadto the next stage, dehumanization.

…which, in our case, it has! Songs are sung about “Killing the Boer”. A particular song called “Dubula iBhunu”, meaning “Kill/shoot the Boer”, is even sung by our current State President at huge public gatherings to the great pleasure of thousands of his followers, despite our Supreme Court ruling that this song constitutes Hate Speech! You can find proof of this by viewing the following link …
One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases. Dehumanization overcomes the normal human revulsion against murder.

When faced with what is being done to our people, this revulsion clearly doesn’t exist anymore! Babies are being shot at point blank range! Elderly women are being raped and tortured by burning them with clothing irons and shoving anything from broomsticks to smashed bottles into their vaginas! People are being hacked to death with pangas, their heads smashed with bricks and stones, their throats slit with blunt knives… There is NO end to the horrendous brutality with which my people are being murdered!!! If you doubt this, simply type the words “Boer Genocide” in Google!!
Articles on Boer Genocide
Genocide is always organized, usually by the state, though sometimes informally or by terrorist groups. Special army units or militias are often trained and armed. Plans are made for genocidal killings.

In South Africa, the Government is simply turning a blind eye to this and calling it “Normal Crime” at worst! These murders are by no means random nor are they disorganized! The killers/murderers always work in groups – mostly 4-5 . They steal very little and what they do take is considered “loot” or “reward” for a job well done. In many cases they arrive on foot and steal a vehicle as a means of getting away. These vehicles are then simply discarded along the way and often burnt. The process of “organizing” a complete WIPEOUT of the Boer people was very well thought through.
*Firstly the South African Government ordered that firearm owners should surrender all their firearms though a hugely unconstitutional and completely illegal campaign. Most of the law abiding citizens complied for fear of prosecution. These weapons were to be destroyed, but there is NO evidence of this ever having been done. To make matters worse, over 20 000 weapons have gone “missing” from the Police Force’s arsenal, with no reports as to what happened to these guns and in addition nobody was ever prosecuted for negligence regarding the disappearance of these firearms!
*Secondly, all the Commandos (volunteers with army training operating under strict governance of our Defense Force) that used to keep our farming communities safe, were disbanded by our current Government, thus leaving our Farmers defenseless against these attacks.  Despite promises from the Government that police officials and Defense Force units will replace the Commandos, nothing has transpired ever since!
*Thirdly, much is being made by the SA Government of “redistributing” farmland. They have created the impression that most of our arid land is still in the hands of the “Boers” and that they are bluntly refusing to sell land to the Government who will in turn distribute this land to Black people to farm on. This is a lie, as most of the land in South Africa already belongs to the Government and up till now, no audit has been done to establish how much agricultural land is owned by the black people and how much land is being registered in the names of Foreign owners. Some of these farms previously developed by white farmers, have been given to Black communities to farm on, but without significant success. These farms have become barren, costing thousands of people their jobs and livelihood and seriously threatening our food supply in SA.  All of these factors are creating an environment where the hatred for the Boer is being aggravated and these farmers are considered the enemy of the “People” …and our leaders then singing songs about killing or shooting  the “Boer”,  is certainly NOT helping!
Extremists drive the groups apart. Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda. Laws are passed with racial criteria that further oppresses the already marginalized group…

…in this case the White Boer People!
South Africa is currently the only country in the WORLD that has laws in place to “Protect” a 60 Million Majority against a 4.5 Million Minority! The most obvious ones being:

*Affirmative Action (AA) – in terms of which businesses are forced to employ workers in accordance to the percentage of the population in the country – thus meaning that 92% of the work force HAS to be black whether they have the necessary qualifications or not!
*Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) – This law forces businesses with a certain turnover P/A to give 35% of their shares to a Black Business Partner. Businesses are audited and prosecuted if they are not BEE compliant. Since capability and skills have left the Government sector at the time when the white employees who were dismissed,  the Government had to contract consultants to fulfill the duties of those qualified and competent white people who were dismissed. Once more, the Government is now compelled by law to only award ALL Government contracts to those private companies who are in possession of a BEE-certificate. This certificate is issued by the Government on completion of a thorough investigation by the Government to confirm that a private company has sufficient Black shareholders and employees ON ALL levels of their work force.
*Quota System – All Sport Unions are forced to apply a quota system when choosing players for Provincial and National teams and the percentages have to again be representative of the population, thus leaving capable sportsmen and –women with no way to participate unless they are black. In practice, this means that sportsmen and –woman are elected to represent their province/country on the basis of the colour of their skin and not on merit at all.
***All of this whilst our Highly Praised Constitution states VERY clearly that:
Section 9: The right to equality before the law and freedom from discrimination. Prohibited grounds of discrimination include race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth.
Polarizing Propaganda is openly preached from public stages at political gatherings and white people are being called “Thieves and Murderers” to the delight of cheering crowds. Due to large scale corruption, the current Government is hardly able to deliver any of the promised services to the poorest of the poor, but instead of owning up to the fact that BILLIONS are lost or stolen from our annual budget, white people are simply blamed for the horrendous conditions in which more than 25% of the population is currently living. This is furthering the utter hatred behind the Genocide of the “Boer people”!
Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity. Death lists are drawn up. Members of victim groups are forced to wear identifying symbols. They are often segregated into ghettoes, forced into concentration camps, or confined to a famine-struck region and starved.

We have now entered this phase in South Africa. We need not wear symbols as we are identified simply because we are White! In less than 10 years, more than 600 000 White people have ended up in Squatter Camps (ghettos) mostly because they have been forced to resign due to the Affirmative Action Legislation (i.e. due to the colour of their skin). These people live in horrifying circumstances with absolutely NO hope of receiving any help from the Government to acquire shelter and food!
There are only 2 levels left before my people, the ones that are left, will literally have to “run for their lives”! More than 1 Million White South Africans have left the country already – some after experiencing crime first hand. Some because their very own family members have been murdered and some to find employment in countries where their skin colour will NOT be a disqualification.
Extermination begins, and quickly becomes the mass killing legally called “genocide.” It is “extermination” to the killers, because they do not believe their victims to be fully human. When it is sponsored by the state, the armed forces often work with militias to execute the killing.

The frightening truth is that, although this is seen as the second last level of Genocide and we have NOT been placed here yet, we are already experiencing a level of extermination that the world simply seems to ignore bluntly! In 1994 there were 133 000 commercial farmers in South Africa. Today, there are only 33 000. More than 4 000 of these farmers have been murdered!!! Many of our farmers sold their land out of fear of these attacks and many more have been forced to sell their land to the Government for their “Land Redistribution” plan.
Our Farmers are not the only targets though! Thousands of our Boer people are murdered in Cities and Towns. More often than not, the elderly are the victims of these Hate-crimes and the brutality, with which these people are being killed, is utterly shocking! You can read the following link regarding some of the more recent incidents…
Torture and Murder of the Elderly
Denial is the eighth stage that always follows genocide. It is among the surest indicators of further genocidal massacres. The perpetrators of genocide dig up the mass graves, burn the bodies, try to cover up the evidence and intimidate the witnesses. They deny that they committed any crimes, and often blame what happened on the victims. They block investigations of the crimes, and continue to govern until driven from power by force, when they flee into exile.

Although we have not reached this stage, our Government is already denying the fact that the Boer Nation is being targeted in these brutal killings ant they prefer to refer to these brutal killings as “Normal Crime” – part of our everyday lives in South Africa. You can read this claim here…
South African Government denying Genocide of the Boer
After reading all of this, I can only hope that you will realize that we are in dire need of your help to avoid more barbaric murders, eliminating our numbers to a point where resistance is not possible any longer! If you choose to turn a blind eye and NOT concern yourself with this utter human travesty, it will be a sad day indeed…
Please forward this article to as many people as you possibly can! Make sure that you bring our plight under the attention of your political organizations, politicians and Governments! To us it is a matter of life and death.
My People are dying EVERY DAY, due to these senseless murders! YOU can help to put an end to this!
Nothing reaches far and wide
Like murmurings of Genocide
Yet nothing else sounds more bizarre
Than hearing it from lands afar
Ignorance is bliss they say
So I am wiping it away
You cannot claim you didn’t know
Or try to say it isn’t so…

I would kindly like to inform you about the ongoing white genocide in the Republic of South-Africa. Since 1994, the end of the so-called Apartheid, whites people, especially white farmers, have been subject to extremely brutal and racist murders. About 50 people on average are murdered in South-Africa per day, of which at least 20 of them are whites(95+ % black on white murder rate). Please take into consideration that white people make up only 9% (4 500 000) of the demographics in South-Africa and therefore the white murder rate in South-Africa is quite significant.

The Genocide Blogspot was Designed and Layed out in Germany by A.Dezius and was Placed on Google to show the world what is Happening Dayly in South Africa.
The Blog has had over 24.600 page view around the World .

Hier is 146 name wat ek het van ons mense wat in 2013 vermoor is... Daar is 8 gevalle waarvan ek weet, maar nie die name het nie. Ek wil graag 'n volledige lys saamstem vir ons protesaksie op 10 Oktober. Help my asseblief hiermee... Sx

Vermoor in Januarie: (19)
John Commins – 2 Januarie
Jannie du Plessis – 6 Januarie
Donovan Marais – 8 Januarie
Rudolf van Heerden – 9 Januarie
Elna van Heerden – 9 Januarie
Ernest van Rooyen – 13 Januarie
Annatjie van Rooyen – 13 Januarie
Pieter Kellerman – 14 Januarie
Fiona Finnis – 15 Januarie
Matty Smith – 16 Januarie
Chad Harris – 17 Januarie
Lorraine Shepheard – 22 Januarie
Desmond Botha – 26 Januarie
Andries Becker – 28 Januarie
Eddie Fouche – 28 Januarie
Shaun Lipshitz – 28 Januarie
Hettie Phillips – 29 Januarie
Gordon Bazzard – 29 Januarie
Manfred Schmidt – 30 Januarie
Vermoor in Februarie: (13)
Dawnsy Mieny – 6 Februarie
Carmen van der Westhuizen – 7 Februarie
Robbie Malan – 8 Februarie
Gordon Adam – 9 Februarie
Lorraine Adam – 9 Februarie
Derek Cornelius – 12 Februarie
Zarco Bulajic – 18 Februarie
Carel Ferreira – 18 Februarie
Laurens de Wet – 23 Februarie
David Barclay – 25 Februarie
Bertus Coetzee – 26 Februarie
Sarel Pretorius – 26 Februarie
Nick Basson - 27 Februarie
Vermoor in Maart: (11)
Waldemar Strauss – 5 Maart
Talbot Smith – 8 Maart
Suzie Willemse – 12 Maart
Johan Stighlingh – 17 Maart
Hannes Hattingh – 20 Maart
Eric Labushagne – 23 Maart
Marius Hayward – 23 Maart
Nico Nel – 23 Maart
Johan Kemp – 23 Maart
Gert van Wyk – 28 Maart
Quintin Brits – 29 Maart
Vermoor in April: (16)
Paul Shultze – 2 April
Anton Bidlingmaier – 6 April
Francois Potgieter – 6 April
Robin Bothma – 7 April
Bob Heunis – 8 April
Karel Pretorius – 9 April
Jannie Dreyer – 10 April
Louis Eksteen – 10 April
Walkie Walkinshaw – 11 April
Jacques Oosthuizen – 11 April
Rodney Bradley – 12 April
Adriaan Stander – 16 April
Jacques du Plessis – 17 April
Carl Mischke – 18 April
Shirley Soffiantini – 22 April
Nadine Prinsloo – 29 April
Vermoor in Mei: (20)
Babs Roos – 1 Mei
Peter Hackland – 7 Mei
Daan Rousseau – 8 Mei
Erka Rousseau – 8 Mei
Kenny Linmeyer – 13 Mei
Rui Moutinho – 14 Mei
Fred van den Bergh – 14 Mei
William Sharman – 17 Mei
Francois le Grange – 19 Mei
Kobus Larrem – 22 Mei
Jenny Lachenicht – 23 Mei
Morne Nel – 23 Mei
Annebe Lategan – 24 Mei
Dave Maratos – 24 Mei
Traudel Kretschmer – 24 Mei
Johan van Rensburg – 25 Mei
Carmen Mathe – 27 Mei
Jeandre van Rensburg – 29 Mei
Freek van Niekerk – 30 Mei
Johan Raats – 31 Mei
Vermoor in Junie: (13)
Dudley Buss – 3 Junie
Michael Zafiris – 3 Junie
Melinda Lee Bam – 8 Junie
Michael Quin – 10 Junie
Louis Traut – 15 Junie
Herman van der Schyff – 16 Junie
Eugene Preston – 18 Junie
Jefferey Wiggil – 19 Junie
Barend Nel – 21 Junie
John Hatfield – 21 Junie
Roelof du Plessis – 26 Junie
Frank du Plessis – 27 Junie
Willem van der Westhuizen – 29 Junie
Vermoor in Julie: (14)
Dirk Koekemoer – 1 Julie
Brian Shalkof – 2 Julie
Andrew Brown – 2 Julie
Clyde Byrns – 7 Julie
Isabel Hugo – 8 Julie
Onika Bakkes – 12 Julie
Lizelle le Roux – 14 Julie
Robert Bader – 16 Julie
Bossie Barnard – 17 Julie
Judith Muller – 18 Julie
Neil Muller – 23 Julie
Nicky Klopper – 25 Julie
Claudi van der Merwe – 26 Julie
Louis van Wyk – 29 Julie
Vermoor in Augustus: (24)
Craig Botha – 3 Augustus
Gerrit Myburgh – 5 Augustus
Attie Cronje – 6 Augustus
Janetta van der Walt – 6 Augustus
Hennie Bentley – 6 Augustus
Schalk Burger – 10 Augustus
Timothy Green – 11 Augustus
Vivien Ponte – 11 Augustus
Michael Poval – 11 Augustus
Johnny Meyer – 13 Augustus
John Thompson – 14 Augustus
Wilhelm Pretorius – 15 Augustus
Johan Botha – 16 Augustus
Willem Swanepoel – 17 Augustus
Jochen Radel – 18 Augustus
Pikkie Stassen – 19 Augustus
Rina Stassen – 19 Augustus
Bill Daly – 19 Augustus
Kulu Clark – 24 Augustus
Craig Bailey – 27 Augustus
Jannie Hills – 29 Augustus
Miems Robberts – 30 Augustus
Johan Harding – 30 Augustus
Garth Johnson – 31 Augustus
Vermoor in September: (16)
Elsabeth de Bruyn – 7 September
Noreen Bryant – 8 September
Gert Trucker – 12 September
Eddie Reid – 13 September
Doris Labuschagne – 14 September
Sollie Botha – 14 September
David Shacklock – 15 September
Louisa Francis – 15 September
Danie Geldenhuys – 16 September
Hannes de Wet – 20 September
Hans Jonker – 20 September
Leanne Douglas – 22 September
Boetman Swart – 23 September
Johan Gouws – 25 September
Mick Hampson – 27 September
Rocco Swanepoel – 28 September

The number of Black on White attacks, rapes and murders to date for 2013!
JANUARY: 32 Attacks, 52 Victims, 1 Raped, 20 Murdered.
FEBRUARY: 20 Attacks, 25 Victims, 1 Raped, 13 Murdered.
MARCH: 20 Attacks, 30 Victims, 1 Raped, 10 Murdered.
APRIL: 46 Attacks, 65 Victims, 8 Raped, 18 Murdered.

MAY: 75 Attacks, 107 Victims, 7 Raped, 24 Murdered.
JUNE: 51 Attacks, 97 Victims, 2 Raped, 15 Murdered.
JULY: 43 Attacks, 77 Victims, 4 Raped, 16 Murdered.
AUGUST: 14 Attacks, 31 Victims, 2 Raped, 5 Murdered.

 and and

genocide watch
The 8 Stages of Genocide
By Gregory H. Stanton, President, Genocide Watch

Classification Symbolization Dehumanization Organization Polarization Preparation Extermination Denial
Genocide is a process that develops in eight stages that are predictable but not inexorable. At each stage, preventive measures can stop it. The process is not linear.  Logically, later stages must be preceded by earlier stages.  But all stages continue to operate throughout the process.

1. CLASSIFICATION: All cultures have categories to distinguish people into “us and them” by ethnicity, race, religion, or nationality: German and Jew, Hutu and Tutsi. Bipolar societies that lack mixed categories, such as Rwanda and Burundi, are the most likely to have genocide. The main preventive measure at this early stage is to develop universalistic institutions that transcend ethnic or racial divisions, that actively promote tolerance and understanding, and that promote classifications that transcend the divisions. The Catholic church could have played this role in Rwanda, had it not been riven by the same ethnic cleavages as Rwandan society. Promotion of a common language in countries like Tanzania has also promoted transcendent national identity. This search for common ground is vital to early prevention of genocide.
2. SYMBOLIZATION: We give names or other symbols to the classifications. We name people “Jews” or “Gypsies”, or distinguish them by colors or dress; and apply the symbols to members of groups. Classification and symbolization are universally human and do not necessarily result in genocide unless they lead to the next stage, dehumanization. When combined with hatred, symbols may be forced upon unwilling members of pariah groups: the yellow star for Jews under Nazi rule, the blue scarf for people from the Eastern Zone in Khmer Rouge Cambodia. To combat symbolization, hate symbols can be legally forbidden (swastikas) as can hate speech. Group marking like gang clothing or tribal scarring can be outlawed, as well. The problem is that legal limitations will fail if unsupported by popular cultural enforcement. Though Hutu and Tutsi were forbidden words in Burundi until the 1980’s, code-words replaced them. If widely supported, however, denial of symbolization can be powerful, as it was in Bulgaria, where the government refused to supply enough yellow badges and at least eighty percent of Jews did not wear them, depriving the yellow star of its significance as a Nazi symbol for Jews

3. DEHUMANIZATION: One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases. Dehumanization overcomes the normal human revulsion against murder. At this stage, hate propaganda in print and on hate radios is used to vilify the victim group. In combating this dehumanization, incitement to genocide should not be confused with protected speech. Genocidal societies lack constitutional protection for countervailing speech, and should be treated differently than democracies. Local and international leaders should condemn the use of hate speech and make it culturally unacceptable. Leaders who incite genocide should be banned from international travel and have their foreign finances frozen. Hate radio stations should be shut down, and hate propaganda banned. Hate crimes and atrocities should be promptly punished.