
Friday, May 10, 2013

Censorbugbear reports...

Afrikaner/Boers fear that a genocide is being planned: Hatespeech-spouting ANC youth league members to get military training at Saldanha military academy…
The London metropolitan police had laid down some strict ground-rules for Saturday’s march to the SA Embassy: protestors were not allowed to carry any pictures of the cruelly slaughtered AWB-leader Eugene Terre’Blanche nor any symbols from his organisation. 
Meanwhile the fear levels among the Afrikaners insde and outside South Africa are still rising, fears which the ANC-regime has done nothing to quell, also because the out-of-control genocidal hatespeech of its youth league members have not stopped – and even more ominously, because ANC youth league  cadres were scheduled to undergo military training at the Saldanha naval academy soon: read.
Second protest within a month:
StopBoerGenocideJackHindonScoutsProtestMay82010 This was the second protest by SA expats in London: last Saturday, a small group from the Jack Hindon Scouts in the UK (left) also held a silent protest outside the Parliamentary buildings – with the young people standing silently along the curbside, taping their mouths shut  -- to illustrate the attitude of the British government towards the racial hatred-driven slaughter of the Afrikaners/Boer minority in the countryside and the towns of South Africa under the hegemony of the regime of the ruling African National Congress party.
Yesterday’s protestors first met at the Eros statue in Piccadilly circus – and as they started emerging from the tube-station exit they also started catching the attention of the many webcam operators because of the statue was surrounded by a sea of bright-red t-shirts..
Despite fears previously expressed on varous Facebook sites by some participant and doom-prophets  that ‘right-wing posters’ would also be displayed –  there were none. Even world-famous Anti-AIDS protestor Zachie Achmad stuck his oar in – warning that ‘this was a protest organised by rightwing racists.’  Some ridiculous wags were even planning an ‘anti-fascist counter demonstration’ .
There was no evidence of this claim however -  many people carried handmade white crosses with their own personal messages on them, otherscarried hand-made banners and posters.
videos of protest:

One female protestor wrote that there “were some elements who tried to taunt us but we didn't bite.”

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