The London metropolitan police had laid down some strict ground-rules for Saturday’s march to the SA Embassy: protestors were not allowed to carry any pictures of the cruelly slaughtered AWB-leader Eugene Terre’Blanche nor any symbols from his organisation.
Meanwhile the fear levels among the Afrikaners insde and outside South Africa are still rising, fears which the ANC-regime has done nothing to quell, also because the out-of-control genocidal hatespeech of its youth league members have not stopped – and even more ominously, because ANC youth league cadres were scheduled to undergo military training at the Saldanha naval academy soon: read.
Second protest within a month:
Yesterday’s protestors first met at the Eros statue in Piccadilly circus – and as they started emerging from the tube-station exit they also started catching the attention of the many webcam operators because of the statue was surrounded by a sea of bright-red t-shirts..
Despite fears previously expressed on varous Facebook sites by some participant and doom-prophets that ‘right-wing posters’ would also be displayed – there were none. Even world-famous Anti-AIDS protestor Zachie Achmad stuck his oar in – warning that ‘this was a protest organised by rightwing racists.’ Some ridiculous wags were even planning an ‘anti-fascist counter demonstration’ .
There was no evidence of this claim however - many people carried handmade white crosses with their own personal messages on them, otherscarried hand-made banners and posters.
videos of protest:
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