Young mom and 4-year-old daughter BOTH GANG-RAPED by three armed black males, Carltonville, Weaver Street mine property
Young mom and daughter, 4, in traumatised condition, toddler badly injured: both gang-raped by three armed black males at their Driefontein mine-property home,STILL LOOKING INTO THUS FAR UNVERIFIED CLAIMS THAT THE WOMAN WAS ARRESTED FOR SUBMITTING A FRAUDULENT STATEMENT Thursday, 24 January at 04:30. - Carletonville SAPS det sergeant Dennis Zuma asked the public to help find the three unknown black males who had attacked a mom and her daughter, 4, who were asleep at their smallholding. The complainant, a mother, and her daughter (4) were asleep in their home on the mine property, in Weaver Street, each in their own bedroom. The young mom was awakened abruptly when a black man picked her up and lifted her out of her bed. Her eyes opened to three unknown black males who had entered her house. “One of the men stripped her, and all three raped her," said Sgt Busi Menoe Carletonville SAPS.
The horror did not end here.
“While the second man was raping the woman,” Menoe tells, “she had to listen to her little girl’s screams, as the third male had gone into her room and raped the four year-old.” Once they had done what they went to do, which was to rape the woman and her little daughter, the three suspects strolled out, taking little of value: a DVD Player, two speakers and a cellphone. Police were then notified.
The same woman’s house had been broken into just a day prior to this terrible incident.
The Carletonville SAPS’s Detective Sergeant Dennis Zuma is investigating this case, and urgently requires the assistance of the public.
If anyone has any information which could possibly lead to the arrest of the suspects who raped and robbed this woman and her daughter, they need to call Sgt Zuma at 083 458 9383 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting