And things are going to get even worse for the Afrikaners from this year -- judging from the vehemence with which the ANC-regime has launched its presidential campaign last week, it's clear that their main election platform will be their ethnic-cleansing campaign to remove all Afrikaners from the job-market, using their Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment act to hide behind. The ANC-regime now is cracking down on even the smallest companies who still try desperately to get qualified personnel in the labour pool. And the anti-white rhetoric spouted by the country's rulers can be seen in the dramatic increase in hatecrimes against whites - especially Afrikaners in the cities and in the countryside are targetted for horrifically brutal crimes: From May 2012 - May 6 2013 at least 910 hatecrimes were logged against Whites in SA on the Farmitracker site. Most of these hatecrimes took place against Afrikaners in the former Boer-Republic areas - the former Transvaal, Free State and the Vryheid region in KwaZuluNatal, as the map below shows.
Afrikaner children denied food-aid, government leans on private companies to stop helping 'whites':
regime has even started denying food-aid and private donations to
Afrikaner orphans in children's homes -- leaning heavily on any
companies which until recently, still donated money. A recent example:
the Jacaranda Children's Home in Pretoria (340 children).