Friday, May 10, 2013

Presidential election platform

Presidential election platform: get rid of those pesky whites...910 hatecrimes against whites since May 2012:
And things are going to get even worse for the Afrikaners from this year --   judging from the vehemence with which the ANC-regime has launched its presidential campaign last week, it's clear that their main election platform will be their ethnic-cleansing campaign to remove all Afrikaners from the job-market, using their Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment act to hide behind. The ANC-regime now is  cracking down on even the smallest companies who still try desperately to get qualified personnel in the labour pool. And the anti-white rhetoric spouted by the country's rulers can be seen in the dramatic increase in hatecrimes against whites - especially Afrikaners in the cities and in the countryside are targetted for horrifically brutal crimes: From May 2012 - May 6 2013 at least 910 hatecrimes were logged against Whites in SA on the Farmitracker site. Most of these hatecrimes took place against Afrikaners in the former Boer-Republic areas - the former Transvaal, Free State and the Vryheid region in KwaZuluNatal, as the map below shows.

Afrikaner children denied food-aid, government leans on private companies to stop helping 'whites':
The regime has even started denying food-aid and private donations to Afrikaner orphans in children's homes -- leaning heavily on any companies which until recently, still donated money. A recent example: the Jacaranda Children's Home in Pretoria (340 children).

Censorbugbear reports...

Afrikaner/Boers fear that a genocide is being planned: Hatespeech-spouting ANC youth league members to get military training at Saldanha military academy…
The London metropolitan police had laid down some strict ground-rules for Saturday’s march to the SA Embassy: protestors were not allowed to carry any pictures of the cruelly slaughtered AWB-leader Eugene Terre’Blanche nor any symbols from his organisation. 
Meanwhile the fear levels among the Afrikaners insde and outside South Africa are still rising, fears which the ANC-regime has done nothing to quell, also because the out-of-control genocidal hatespeech of its youth league members have not stopped – and even more ominously, because ANC youth league  cadres were scheduled to undergo military training at the Saldanha naval academy soon: read.
Second protest within a month:
StopBoerGenocideJackHindonScoutsProtestMay82010 This was the second protest by SA expats in London: last Saturday, a small group from the Jack Hindon Scouts in the UK (left) also held a silent protest outside the Parliamentary buildings – with the young people standing silently along the curbside, taping their mouths shut  -- to illustrate the attitude of the British government towards the racial hatred-driven slaughter of the Afrikaners/Boer minority in the countryside and the towns of South Africa under the hegemony of the regime of the ruling African National Congress party.
Yesterday’s protestors first met at the Eros statue in Piccadilly circus – and as they started emerging from the tube-station exit they also started catching the attention of the many webcam operators because of the statue was surrounded by a sea of bright-red t-shirts..
Despite fears previously expressed on varous Facebook sites by some participant and doom-prophets  that ‘right-wing posters’ would also be displayed –  there were none. Even world-famous Anti-AIDS protestor Zachie Achmad stuck his oar in – warning that ‘this was a protest organised by rightwing racists.’  Some ridiculous wags were even planning an ‘anti-fascist counter demonstration’ .
There was no evidence of this claim however -  many people carried handmade white crosses with their own personal messages on them, otherscarried hand-made banners and posters.
videos of protest:

One female protestor wrote that there “were some elements who tried to taunt us but we didn't bite.”

Sunette Bridges

Kan jy nou meer! Tutu reken hy kan nie meer vir die ANC stem nie. Hy reken hulle was goed met "struggle" maar kan nie die land regeer nie. Hy is baie ongelukkig oor die geweld en korrupsie en seg wat hom hartseer maak is dat die ANC se mislukking ammunisie gee aan almal wat gewaarksu het dat die land in sy kannon gaan wees onder 'n swart regering! lol ...

"Seeing how standards have dropped is so galling, because it seems to give ammunition to those who would say : 'we warned you that once you had a black majority government you would see a steady decline in standards'."

...maar helaas... "We DID tell you so!"

Daar word deesdae baie gepraat oor die komende verkiesing. Hoe gemaak? Gaan jy stem? ...en vir wie? Dink jy die ANC gaan beter of slegter doen in 2014? Sx

Boere Krisis Aksie (B.K.A.)

(Gordon) Twee gee ander skuld vir moord op gesin

Vrydag 10 Mei 2013

Die twee mans wat teregstaan op die wrede moorde op ’n egpaar en hul 12-jarige seun in Walkerville in 2011 het gister die skuld op twee ander mans gepak – mans wat die staat aanvoer “skimme is” en nie bestaan nie.

Sipho Mbele (25) en Patrick Petrus Radebe (22) het gister wéér in die Vereeniging-streekhof ontken dat hulle Tony Viana (53), sy vrou, Geraldine (42), en hul seun, Amaro (12), vermoor het.

Die gesin is op 1 Oktober 2011 in hul huis in Walkerville oorval. Mbele en Radebe het albei gister getuig dat ene Snacks en ene Themba die moorde gepleeg het.

Ruben Chabalala, die aanklaer, het gesê dat Snacks en Themba “skimme” is en nooit deur Mbele of Radebe genoem is nie nadat hulle in hegtenis geneem is.

Die twee beskuldigdes het getuig dat hulle onder (op die grondvlak) in die huis was toe Snacks en Themba die gesin bo in die huis vermoor het.

Hulle het ook aangevoer dat hulle nie die lyke gesien het nie.

Volgens Chabalala het albei beskuldigdes kort ná hul inhegtenisneming afsonderlik volledige verklarings afgelê waarin hulle die moorde in die fynste besonderhede beskryf het – inligting wat hy sê net die moordenaars sou weet.

Mbele en Radebe het gister beweer dat hulle gedwing is om Geraldine te verkrag, waarop Chabalala geantwoord het dat dít nie in die verklaring staan nie.

“Jy en Radebe het die afskuwelike dade gepleeg?” het Chabalala gevra, waarop Mbele “ja” geantwoord het.

Mbele het erken dat hy die gesin se hond doodgemaak het deur sy buik oop te sny.

Chabalala het foto’s van die toneel aan Mbele gewys.

“Is dit hoe jy Tony vasgebind het?”


’n Foto is gewys waar ’n bottel in Geraldine se private dele ingedruk is. Volgens Mbele hét hy dit gedoen, want hy was dronk.

’n Foto is ook in die hof gewys van die jong Amaro se lyk, waar dit vasgebind in die bad gelê het.

“Is dit hoe julle hom vasgebind het?”


Familie van die Viana-gesin het gister met skok gereageer toe Radebe beweer het dat Geraldine gesê het as sy verkrag móét word, sal dit beter wees as hy (Radebe) dit doen, want sy ken hom. Hy was die gesin se tuinwerker.

“As jy gedwing is om haar te verkrag, hoe kon jy ’n ereksie kry?” wou Chabalala weet.

“Ek weet nie. Ek is ook net ’n mens met gevoelens. Sy was kaal.”

Sphiwe David Motaung, wat saam met hulle aangekla is, het op 23 Julie verlede jaar skuld beken op aanklag van huisbraak met die opset om te steel, roof met verswarende omstandighede en opsetlike saakbeskadiging.